Opened 12 years ago
Closed 10 years ago
#1016 closed task (wontfix)
Incubator Application Questionnaire for OGC TEAM Engine
Reported by: | jfitzke | Owned by: | jdeolive |
Priority: | normal | Milestone: | |
Component: | Incubator | Keywords: | application |
Cc: |
Description ¶
Incubation Committee members,
please find below the questionnaire for starting the incubation process for the OGC TEAM Engine. In case of questions you can either contact Luis Bermudez (see below) or me (fitzke@…). lat/lon is supporting the OGC in their CITE program.
*1. Please provide the name and email address of the principal Project Owner.*
- Luis Bermudez, lbermudez@…, Open Geospatial Consortium.
*2. Please provide the names and emails of co-project owners (if any).*
*3. Please provide the names, emails and entity affiliation of all official committers*
- Luis Bermudez, lbermudez@…
- Chuck Morris, chuck.morris@…
- Andreas Schmitz, schmitz@…
- Paul Daisey, pdaisey1331@…
- Richard Martell, rmartell@…
- Sumit Sen, sumits1@…
*4. Please describe your Project.*
TEAM Engine (Test, Evaluation, And Measurement Engine) is an engine for testing web services and other resources. It executes test scripts written in Compliance Test Language (CTL) and other languages (e.g. TestNG). TEAM Engine is the official tool for OGC compliance testing. It is also a tool being setup by other organization to provide help on community compliance (e.g.][German SDI
*5. Why is hosting at OSGeo good for your project?*
Improve visibility, usage and better integration within open geospatial community and tools.
*6. Type of application does this project represent(client, server, standalone, library, etc.):*
Server, API and standalone scripts.
*7. Please describe any relationships to other open source projects.*
Open Source projects use TEAM Engine to test OGC Standards. TEAM engine itself uses the following open source tools:
- Jing (Modified BSD License,
- Joda-Time (Apache Software License 2.0,
- Saxon 8.6.1 (Mozilla Public License, Version 1.0)
- Xerces J 2.8.0 (Apache Software License, Version 2.0)
-][TestNG (][Apache License, Version 2.0)
*8. Please describe any relationships with commercial companies or products.*
Vendors of commercial geospatial software use TEAM Engine to test their products with regard to OGC standards.
*9. Which open source license(s) will the source code be released under?*
Mozilla Public License 1.1 (MPL 1.1)
*10. Is there already a beta or official release?*
*11. What is the origin of your project (commercial, experimental, thesis or other higher education, government, or some other source)?*
Non-for-profit Standards organization.
*12. Does the project support open standards? Which ones and to what extent? (OGC, w3c, ect.) Has the software been certified to any standard (CITE for example)? If not, is it the intention of the project owners to seek certification at some point?*
The TEAM Engine is used by the Open Geospatial Consortium within the CITE program to perform the official OGC compliance tests. GIS vendors can use TEAM Engine to pre-check compliance of their software packages and submit the test results to the OGC for approval and certification.
Internally, the TEAM Engine uses IT standard tools like HTTP, XML and XSLT.
*13. Is the code free of patents, trademarks, and do you control the copyright?* The code is free of patents and trademarks. Pieces of the code have different copyrights from contributors
Example of header in the code: /* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
The Original Code is TEAM Engine.
The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Northrop Grumman Corporation jointly with The National Technology Alliance. Portions created by Northrop Grumman Corporation are Copyright (C) 2005-2006, Northrop Grumman Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
Contributor(s): No additional contributors to date */
*14. How many people actively contribute (code, documentation, other?) to the project at this time?*
*15. How many people have commit access to the source code repository?*
About 10
*16. Approximately how many users are currently using this project?*
TEAM Engine (Production) : 680 user accounts TEAM Engine (Beta) : 135 user accounts
*17. What type of users does your project attract (government, commercial, hobby, academic research, etc. )?*
*18. If you do not intend to host any portion of this project using the OSGeo infrastructure, why should you be considered a member project of the OSGeo Foundation?*
Many OSGeo projects implement OGC standards. A direct integration of the TEAM Engine into the OSGeo project pool can increase the OGC compliance of OSGeo projects. On the TEAM Engine part, feedback from OSGeo projects can be more direct and therefore result in a better integration of the different tools.
*19. Does the project include an automated build and test?*
Yes. Ant Build
*20. What language(s) are used in this project? (C/Java/perl/etc)*
*21. What is the dominant written language (i.e. English, French, Spanish, German, etc) of the core developers?*
*22. What is the (estimated) size of a full release of this project? How many users do you expect to download the project when it is released?*
Download. About 7 MB Use: About 200 downloads (in 2 months period)
Change History (3)
comment:1 by , 12 years ago
Keywords: | application added |
comment:2 by , 11 years ago
Owner: | changed from | to
comment:3 by , 10 years ago
Resolution: | → wontfix |
Status: | new → closed |
CITE Team engine has been accepted into incubation