Opened 21 years ago

Last modified 17 years ago

#461 new defect

[MapServer]WFS OGC Cite summary report on the tests execution

Reported by: nsavard@… Owned by: mapserverbugs
Priority: high Milestone: FUTURE
Component: WFS Server Version: 4.1
Severity: normal Keywords:
Cc: tomkralidis


I opened this bug to maintain a record of the progress made to be conforming to
the OGC WFS tests suite.

Summary :

Total Test Count    152
Number of Passed Tests    109
Number of Failed Tests    43
I opened this bug to maintain a record of the progress made to be conforming to
the OGC WFS tests suite.

TEST failed

1) Test : wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/3

This test checks that the PropertyIsBetween operator returns the correct feature
for a date comparison with the boundary values set to the expected value of the

Reason : Mapserver fails on string compare using >, <, >=, <=

2) wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/8

This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThan operator returns the correct
feature for a date comparison with the value less than the expected value of the

Reason : Mapserver fails on string compare using >, <, >=, <=

3) wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/9

This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the
correct feature for a string comparison with the value equal to the expected
value of the property.

4) wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/10

This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the
correct feature for a string comparison with the value equal to the expected
value of the property.

5) wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/11

This test checks that the PropertyIsGreaterThanOrEqualTo operator returns the
correct feature for a string comparison with the value equal to the expected
value of the property.

6) wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/12

This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct
feature for a string comparison with the value greater than the expected value
of the property.

7) wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/14

This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThan operator returns the correct
feature for a date comparison with the value greater than the expected value of
the property.

8)  wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/15

This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the
correct feature for a string comparison with the value equal to the expected
value of the property.

9) wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/comparisonoperators/get/17

This test checks that the PropertyIsLessThanOrEqualTo operator returns the
correct feature for a date comparison with the value equal to the expected value
of the property.

10) BBOx queries

wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/get/1 to 12
wfs/1.0.0/basic/getfeature/filter/spatialoperators/bbox/post/1 to 12

We fail these tests since the returned feature xml won't validate because the
validation is done against a specific xsd (geomatry.xsd).
We also have a problem with the data conversion on multipoints and multilayers
that are not supported with gdal.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by assefa, 20 years ago

Milestone: FUTURE
Future work if we need to be WFS compliant.

comment:2 by tomkralidis, 17 years ago

Cc: tomkralidis added
Owner: changed from mapserverbugs to nsavard

Normand: what is the state of affairs for our WFS CITE tests?

comment:3 by tomkralidis, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from nsavard to mapserverbugs
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