Opened 21 years ago

Closed 21 years ago

Last modified 21 years ago

#382 closed defect (fixed)

OGC CITE WMS test suite-Server should advertize that the layers are subsettable and resizable

Reported by: nsavard@… Owned by: dmorissette
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: WMS Server Version: 4.1
Severity: minor Keywords:


The server does not advertize that the layers are subsettable and resizable in
the capabilities document after a "GetCapabilities" request.

"noSubsets" should be set to 0, fixedWidth and fixedHeight should be set to 1 in
the capabilities document as pointed out by the dtd document.

Snippet of the dtd document:

<!ATTLIST Layer queryable (0 | 1) "0"
                cascaded CDATA #IMPLIED
                opaque (0 | 1) "0"
                noSubsets (0 | 1) "0"
                fixedWidth CDATA #IMPLIED
                fixedHeight CDATA #IMPLIED >


As additionnal information, the variable used in the OGC test suite is set as


count(//Layer[(Title = 'cite:BasicPolygons' or Title = 'cite:Bridges' or Title =
 'cite:Buildings' or Title = 'cite:DividedRoutes' or Title = 'cite:Forests' or T
itle = 'cite:Lakes' or Title = 'cite:MapNeatline' or Title = 'cite:NamedPlaces' 
or Title = 'cite:Ponds' or Title = 'cite:RoadSegments' or Title = 'cite:Streams'
) and ancestor-or-self::Layer/SRS[contains(., 'EPSG:4326')] and not(@noSubsets =
 1) and (not(@fixedWidth) or @fixedWidth = 0) and (not(@fixedHeight) or @fixedHe
ight = 0)]) = 11

Test path:wms/profiles/basic/1

Bug found in MapServer 4.0B.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by nsavard@…, 21 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
The problem was related to the layer number.

There are two annotation layers used to display the road number tags symbol. 
The names of these layer are "DividedRoutes_anno" and "RoadSegments_anno". 
Their "WMS_TITLE"  began with "cite:".  I removed the "cite:" string for these
two layers in the "WMS_TITLE".

comment:2 by nsavard@…, 21 years ago

Summary: OGC test suite-Server should advertize that the layers are subsettable and resizableOGC CITE WMS test suite-Server should advertize that the layers are subsettable and resizable
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