Opened 19 years ago

Closed 19 years ago

#1320 closed defect (fixed)

undefined PROJ_LIB generates the message "msProcessProjection(): Projection library error. No such file or directory" for all requests

Reported by: eduard@… Owned by: sdlime
Priority: high Milestone:
Component: MapServer CGI Version: 4.2
Severity: normal Keywords:


When the line "SetEnv PROJ_LIB %PathToNadDir%" is not entered in the httpd.conf
or the value of the enviourment variable PROJ_LIB is filled in any other way,
mapserver will generate a page with the message "msProcessProjection():
Projection library error. No such file or directory" for all requests. 

The documentation tells me that this is needed when the mapserver is compiled 
with projection support, but it doesnt give me a clear error message when i dont
do this.

Expected behavour:
output in the apache log / generated page, which tell me that the PROJ_LIB
enviourment variable has to be set (and ofcourse also verifies that the path is

Change History (3)

comment:1 by sdlime, 19 years ago

Cc: warmerdam@… added

comment:2 by fwarmerdam, 19 years ago

First, this message will generally only occur if you are using an init file
lookup for the projection definition, not all the time. 

Second, there are built-in default locations for searching for the PROJ
support files.  The PROJ_LIB env/config variable is only needed if the files
can't be found in the default location.  On unix a proper install of PROJ.4
normally does not require any PROJ_LIB variable. 

Third, the underlying error message is coming from PROJ.4.  It would be nice
if it actually produced a more context sensitive message (ie. listing the 
file it was looking for and where it looked) but this isn't possible with the
current "static error message" approach of PROJ.4. 

I would suggest that this bug be closed, and request for more appropriate
error messages in this (and similar) cases be submitted in the PROJ.4 

comment:3 by eduard@…, 19 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
As suggested, posted the error to the correct

I've marked the bug fixed, since i couldnt find an other state for it ;)

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