Changes between Version 5 and Version 6 of MapGuideRfc94

Jun 15, 2010, 3:31:46 PM (14 years ago)



  • MapGuideRfc94

    v5 v6  
    4242* The constructor for the MgCoordinateSystemCatalog object will be overloaded with a constructor which accepts a parameter which indicates the dictionary folder path, thus enabling applications to specify the location in a platform independent manner.  This would not alter any existing interface, simply add an additional interface more conistent with a multi-pltform product environment.
    44 * The major thrust of this effort is the redesign of the underlying CS-MAP datum transformation model.  In sympathy with this effort, it is recommended that the following portions of the MgCoordinateSystem interface be deprecated (i.e. continued to be supported, but documented as will be removed in future releases).  As currently implemented, these functions accomplish very little.  You can retrieve and set the indicated values, but in the current implementation doing so has no effecton the calculations of the underlying object.  Nor can the modifed values be written at any dictionary (a geodetic transformation dictionary does not exist, YET!)
     44* The major thrust of this effort is the redesign of the underlying CS-MAP datum transformation model.  In sympathy with this effort, it is recommended that the following portions of the MgCoordinateSystem interface be deprecated (i.e. continued to be supported, but documented as will be removed in future releases).  As currently implemented, these functions accomplish very little.  They will not be replaced with anything.  You can retrieve and set the indicated values, but in the current implementation doing so has no effect on the calculations of the underlying object.  Nor can the modifed values be written at any dictionary (a geodetic transformation dictionary does not exist, YET!)
    4646    * double MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformation::GetOffsetX();
    6363    * bool   MgCoordinateSystemGeodeticTransformation::IsLegalBwScale(double dBwScale);
     65* Three new functions will be added to the API
     66    * INT32 MgCoordinateSystem::GetEpsgCode()
     67    * INT32 MgCoordinateSystem::GetEpsgQuadrant()
     68    * INT32 MgCoordinateSystem::GetSrid ()
     70GetEpsgCode will return the EPSG Code of the CRS definition, returns 0 if such is not known
     71GetEpsgCode will return the EpsgQuadrantCode which may be different from the CS-MAP quadrant code:
     72  0    X increases to the East, Y increases to the North
     73  1    X increases to the East, Y increases to the North
     74  2    X increases to the West, Y increases to the North
     75  3    X increases to the West, Y increases to the South
     76  4    X increases to the East, Y increases to the South
     77 -1   X increases to the North, Y increases to the East
     78 -2   X increases to the North, Y increases to the West
     79 -3   X increases to the South, Y increases to the West
     80 -4   X increases to the South, Y increases to the East
     81GetEpsgCode will return the SRID code of the CRS definition, returns 0 if such is not known
     83* An overload to the MgCoordinateSystemCatalog constructor will be added which will accept as its only parameter a string value which specifies the location of the dictionary folder.
    6585== Implications ==