Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#817 closed feature request (fixed)

New Constant in mapbender.conf

Reported by: armin11 Owned by: dev
Priority: major Milestone: 2.7.2 release
Component: core Version: 2.7.1
Keywords: Cc:


There is a demand for defining a further constant in mapbender.conf. This constant should be a path to a script, that wraps the mapbender index.php/login.php. In many circumstances the login.php file may not be directly available - maybe mapbender will be be integrated in another cms like typo3. To invoke e.g. the Get-Api ( of mapbender, another url is used, which will be the url to the wrapper script. This script will be used if the constant WRAPPER_URL is not empty. Example for mapbender.conf:

# --------------------------------------------
# define a wrapper for index.php/login.php to use e.g. the get api when integrated in external applications like cms
# --------------------------------------------

This constant maybe used from the metadata module to invoke the defined client (maybe another mapbender installation) from there! The metadata module will send e.g. the layer_id to the Get Api of the script behind this url. Further: If you find a metadata url from mapbenders metadata module by google search, there is a link which will directly call the client (or portal).

Change History (3)

comment:1 by kmq, 14 years ago

This seems to be very deployment specific. If I understand it correctly, instead of sending a link to "/frames/login.php?gui_id=abc" I would send a link to "WRAPPER_PATH?gui_id=abc" ?

comment:2 by armin11, 14 years ago

I think this is not specific but generic, cause it is only an option - no one have to use it ;-). If someone needs it, it can be configured at one place - not in the whole code.

comment:3 by astrid_emde, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

was integrated in Mapbender 2.7.2

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