Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#807 closed defect (fixed)

mod_usemap divs um_img and um_draw are missing

Reported by: astrid_emde Owned by: verenadiewald
Priority: major Milestone: 2.7.2 release
Component: user interface Version: 2.7
Keywords: wfs Cc: Kai-Behncke@…


mod_usemap needs the divs um_img and um_draw. In 2.6.2 they came with mapframe1. Now the element has to create them by itself.

Have a look at javascripts/mod_highlightPOI.php (function mod_highlightPOI_draw())

Please update the wiki page and provide code documentation.

This is the Mail from Kai Behncke: Where in Mapbender 2.6.2 it works great, it does not in 2.7.

I get: "document.getElementById("um_img") is null"

The error occures because of http:/javascripts/mod_usemap.php

in line 40 (var myImg = document.getElementById("um_img").style;)

In Mapbender 2.6.2 "um_img" was declared in .../http/php/mod_map1.php

In 2.7 that file does not exist any more. Has anybody an idea for a workaround?

Thank you very much, Kai

Change History (5)

comment:1 by astrid_emde, 14 years ago

Owner: changed from dev to verenadiewald

comment:2 by verenadiewald, 14 years ago

Milestone: 2.7.1 release2.7.2 release

comment:3 by verenadiewald, 14 years ago

comment:5 by marc, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

works for me.

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