Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#595 closed enhancement (fixed)

BBOXes for all SRS in WMS-Capabilities

Reported by: frankjaeger Owned by: dev
Priority: major Milestone: 2.7 release
Component: administration Version: 2.6
Keywords: SRS, BoundingBox Cc:


Some Web-Map-Servers like umn-mapserver and Geoserver don't provide BoundingBoxes for all allowed SRS in their Capabilities-Document, but only a LatLonBoundingBox (epsg:4326) and a BoundingBox for the "primary" SRS from the PROJECTION "init=epsg:"-Part of the mapfile.

Only this "primary" SRS can be used to position a Mapbender-GUI and the Overview.

Please let PostGIS transform the LatLonBoundingBox to all allowed SRS without a BoundingBox, given in the Capabilities-Document.

So it becomes possible to configure a GUI in the "WMS GUI settings" to start in every SRS, from the SRS-List in the Capabilities.

Change History (3)

comment:1 by armin11, 15 years ago

hello frank,

we made a solution which generates the bbox for a list srs which is defined in the mapbender.conf. the results are stored in the layer_epsg table. this can be seen as an extension to the information in the capabilities documents and allows the mapbender client to start withg other extents. qwe use this to have a faster access to the bbox of the layer and to zoom to layer positions. i think we can merge this function and adopt it to work although on update of wms.

greetings armin

comment:2 by verenadiewald, 14 years ago

see also ticket #727

comment:3 by marc, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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