Opened 17 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#268 closed defect (fixed)

Bug in module Meeting Point MB 2.5 rc5: missing target

Reported by: verenadiewald Owned by: verenadiewald
Priority: major Milestone: 2.5 release
Component: administration Version: 2.5 rc5
Keywords: meetingPoint Cc: christoph, marko


using Mapbender 2.5 rc5 and module mod_meetingpoint leads to the following error: mod_meetingPoint_run()mod_meet...GISonline (Linie 119) go()mod_meet...GISonline (Linie 114) mb_button_click(0)map.php?...b_myBBOX= (Linie 226) onmouseover()()map.php?...b_myBBOX= (Linie 220) [Break on this error] parent.frames[mod_meetingPoint_target]....cument.onclick = mod_meetingPoint_click;

Change History (4)

comment:1 by verenadiewald, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Problem solved by changing Line 47 in mod_meetingpoint from:
echo "var mod_meetingPoint_target = '".$e_target[0]."';";
echo "var mod_meetingPoint_target = '".$e_target."';";

comment:2 by astrid_emde, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

comment:3 by astrid_emde, 17 years ago

Cc: christoph marko added
Status: reopenednew

I am just testing Mapbender 2.5 for the release

after the last change the modul did not work anymore --> $e_target[0] was accepted not $e_target. I changed this again.

the traget is still set by "SELECT DISTINCT e_target FROM gui_element WH...".

What I did:

  • use of global variable $e_id
  • refer to $e_target[0] instead of $e_target


  • i18n has to be implemented (mb 2.6)
  • get $e_target[0] by globals

comment:4 by christoph, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
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