Opened 17 years ago

Closed 16 years ago

#252 closed defect (fixed)

incorrect Mapview on switch background/foreground Layers

Reported by: kbl Owned by: mapbender_dev@…
Priority: minor Milestone: 2.6 release
Component: user interface Version: 2.4.5
Keywords: Cc: marc


en: If the background Layer, (e.g. switching between map and aerial photograph) is changed foreground topics slip to the rear and are only correct after a zoom shot again.

for example: (Intranet - gis2, standard GUI) House numbers on/out, then city plan on -> the house numbers are away. Move the map, the house numbers are again there. Seems to be however only when first touching the topic like that.

de: Wenn der Hintergrund-Layer geändert wird, (z.B. Umschalten zwischen Karte und Luftbild) rutschen vordergrund-Themen nach hinten und sind erst nach einem zoom wieder korrekt.

Bsp: (intranet - gis2, standard-GUI) Hausnummern an/aus, dann Stadtplan an -> die Hausnummern sind weg. Kartenausschnitt verschieben, die Hausnummern sind wieder da.

Scheint aber nur beim ersten Anfassen des Themas so zu sein.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by christoph, 17 years ago

Milestone: 2.5 release2.6 release

deferred to 2.6

comment:2 by marc, 16 years ago

Cc: marc added


i can approve this problem with Mapbender release 2.4.x.

In release > 2.5 this problem have been solved.

comment:3 by marc, 16 years ago

*set to fixed

comment:4 by astrid_emde, 16 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
  • closed the ticket
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