Opened 17 years ago

Last modified 8 years ago

#109 assigned defect

TreeGDE2 fails with unselected WMS

Reported by: FrankJaeger Owned by: nimix
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: treeGDE Version: 2.4.2
Keywords: TreeGDE2 Cc:



If a WMS is configured "sel=no":

The GUI has no GetMap-result after loading.

After selecting an area in Overviev the map is visible but the WMS-Titles and layers are invisible.


Wenn ein WMS mit "sel=no" konfiguriert wurde:

Nach Laden der GUI zunächst keine Karte und kein Overview sichtbar.

Nach Aufziehen eines Bereiches im (unsichtbaren) Overview wird die Karte, geladen aber der Tree (WMS/Layer) verschwindet.

Change History (8)

by nimix, 17 years ago

Attachment: jsTree.js added

comment:1 by nimix, 17 years ago

Owner: changed from mapbender_dev@… to nimix
Status: newassigned

I think replacing /html/mod_treefolder2.php and /javascripts/jsTree.js with the files attached will solve the problem, but I'm not sure because I don't hve a "selfmade" overview. Maybe someone could test it and confirm that it is solved.

by nimix, 17 years ago

Attachment: mod_treefolder2.php added

comment:2 by mschulz, 17 years ago

I patched a mapbender 2.4.2 with the provided files. There were no overview or getmap errors, but the intended behaviour when setting "sel=no" (show that layer in the tree as disabled and thus not changeable) is not reached. The layer doesn't appear in the tree at all (as if "on/off" was set to 0). The layer is correctly present in the mapObj.

comment:3 by mschulz, 17 years ago

I've attached a patch for the above mod_treefolder2.php. In my case it works as expected:

  • if you set sel=no on layer 0 and have switch_wms=true, the wms checkbox is disabled
  • if you set sel=no on layer > 0 the corresponding visibility checkbox is disabled

Please test and comment.

by mschulz, 17 years ago

Attachment: mod_treefolder2_patch.diff added

comment:4 by christoph, 17 years ago

Milestone: 3.0 release

comment:5 by astrid_emde, 8 years ago

Milestone: 3.0 release

Ticket retargeted after milestone deleted

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