
Downloading GRASS GIS Source

(Note: for binary installers, go here)

Packaged Source

The source code of all official releases is available for download from:

Weekly snapshots

Source code tarballs are available from here:

Git GRASS main source code repository

The GRASS GIS software lives in the Git source control system hosted by GitHub. It can be browsed online using GitHub UI. With the Git client software installed, various versions can be accessed:

  git clone


The development branch (master) version of GRASS 7 can be extracted using the command:

  git checkout master
  # subsequent updates:
  git pull


To extract the current 7.8.x release branch version (stable), use the command:

  git checkout releasebranch_7_8
  # subsequent updates:
  git pull


To extract the current 7.6.x release branch version (stable), use the command:

  git checkout releasebranch_7_6
  # subsequent updates:
  git pull


To extract the current 7.4.x release branch version (old), which may receives bugfixes, use the command:

  git checkout releasebranch_7_4
  # subsequent updates:
  git pull


Note: not recommended any more since May 2019

To extract the current 7.2.x release branch version (historical), use the command:

  git checkout releasebranch_7_2
  # subsequent updates:
  git pull


Note: not recommended any more since May 2016

To extract the current 7.0.x release branch version (historical), use the command:

  git checkout releasebranch_7_0
  # subsequent updates:
  git pull


Legacy code of GRASS GIS versions 3.2, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x (1987-2016) is available from grass-legacy Git repository hosted on GitHub.

To extract the current state of the old 6.4.x release branch version (historical), use the command:

  git clone
  cd grass-legacy
  git checkout releasebranch_6_4

To extract a specific release, e.g. the 6.4.0 release from 2010, use the command:

  git checkout release_20100903_grass_6_4_0

Committing code to Git (developers with write access)

Note: Write access to the Git repository is governed by RFC 2: Legal aspects of code contributions. Committers should take care to use https/ssh for access, and use their GitHub Account for authentication. See also How-To Contribute and How-To Git.

Git GRASS Addons source code repository

Want to contribute? Read on here

With the Git client software installed, the current GRASS Addons can be extracted using the command:

  git clone

Update access to the Git Addons repository is governed by RFC 2: Legal aspects of code contributions. Committers should take care to use https/ssh for access, and use their GitHub Account for authentication. See also How-To Contribute and How-To Git.

Online browseable live web interfaces on GitHub source code repository

Historical SVN

While SVN history for many individual files exists back to 1999. GRASS source code has been migrated to Git in May 2019.

Historical CVS

  • Our old GRASS 5/6.1 CVS at (ViewCVS interface; no longer updated since move to OSGeo SVN)
  • A copy of GRASS-CVS has been saved here at the Czech Technical University in Prague (CZ), Faculty of Civil Engineering.

Historical checkouts

You can download the source code as it existed on a particular day as follows:

git checkout 'master@{2008-09-01}'

Compilation notes for various operating systems

Please see here.

Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on 08/31/19 05:34:18
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.