Opened 15 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#862 closed enhancement (invalid)

winGRASS path detection fails in Japanese locale (¥ instead of \ is used for c:\ etc)

Reported by: neteler Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 6.4.0
Component: Default Version: svn-releasebranch64
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: All Platform: MSWindows XP


There is a failure in interpreting the GRASS paths in Japanese locale:

C:¥Program Files¥GRASS-6-SVN>g.gui help
'g.gui' は、内部コマンドまたは外部コマンド、
操作可能なプログラムまたはバッチ ファイルとして認識されていません。

(Rough Translation: "g.gui internal or external command, Not recognized as an operable program or batch file.")

If I change directly into the GRASS binary path, it works:

C:¥Program Files¥GRASS-6-SVN>cd bin

C:¥Program Files¥GRASS-6-SVN¥bin>g.gui help

 Launches a GRASS graphical user interface (GUI) session.

The paths look like this:

C:¥Program Files¥GRASS-6-SVN¥bin>path
-SVN¥extralib;C:¥PROGRA‾1¥GRASS-6-SVN¥msys¥bin;C:¥Program Files¥ruby¥bin;C:¥Prog
ram Files¥ThinkPad¥Utilities;C:¥WINDOWS¥system32;C:¥WINDOWS;C:¥WINDOWS¥System32¥
Wbem;C:¥Program Files¥IBM ThinkVantage¥Client Security Solution;C:¥ms4w¥Apache¥c
gi-bin;C:¥Program Files¥MySQL¥MySQL Server 5.1¥bin

The same will apply to Chinese, Korean, various Indian etc. locales.

Change History (3)

by neteler, 15 years ago

Japanese locale path detection problem

comment:1 by neteler, 15 years ago

Priority: blockernormal
Type: defectenhancement

OK, my bad. The point is that when starting GRASS in cmd.exe, the terminal does NOT become a GRASS shell (see prompt below). Not surprisingly nothing works.

Changing into enhancement: grass64.bat should print into the terminal that it is GUI-only and not a GRASS shell and that for a GRASS shell the user should use a different menu entry. This would reduce the (potential) confusion...

But I am not sure where this message (better worded) should go.


comment:2 by neteler, 15 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed
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