Opened 17 years ago
Closed 17 years ago
#77 closed task (fixed)
Change wxGui workspace file extension away from .grc
Reported by: | hamish | Owned by: | martinl |
Priority: | blocker | Milestone: | 6.3.0 |
Component: | Default | Version: | svn-trunk |
Keywords: | wx, gui | Cc: | grass-dev@… |
CPU: | Unspecified | Platform: | Unspecified |
Description ¶
before releasing 6.3.0 we should change wxGui workspace file extension away from .grc as it is incompatible with older GRASS tcl/tk .grc files.
some suggestions from the -dev list:
but nothing decided.
Change History (6)
comment:1 by , 17 years ago
comment:2 by , 17 years ago
Cc: | added |
Owner: | changed from | to
Status: | new → assigned |
follow-up: 4 comment:3 by , 17 years ago
.gwx isn't associated with anything geospatial or common, and seems a good fit. how about that?
or these, which AFAICT are unused
- .gxw (Grass wX Workspace)
- .gww ( " Wx " )
follow-up: 5 comment:4 by , 17 years ago
Replying to hamish:
.gwx isn't associated with anything geospatial or common, and seems a good fit. how about that?
or these, which AFAICT are unused
- .gxw (Grass wX Workspace)
gxw seems to be reasonable, it could be also Grass Xml Workspace;-)
- .gww ( " Wx " )
So if there are no objections I will rename grc to gxw (and also XML document tag from 'grc' to 'gxw').
comment:5 by , 17 years ago
Replying to martinl:
So if there are no objections I will rename grc to gxw (and also XML document tag from 'grc' to 'gxw').
.gxw for "Grass Xml Workspace" sounds good. go for it.
comment:6 by , 17 years ago
Resolution: | → fixed |
Status: | assigned → closed |
Has been also backported to releasebranch_6_3, r30529. Closing the ticket. Martin
From grass-dev ML by Michael Barton:
I relooked at the discussion. I don't have particularly strong feelings one way or the other. But if you need a decision, I'd favor either *.gws (GRASS workspace) or *.gwsf (GRASS workspace file)
I did a search on a couple of file extension sites. *.gwsf did not exist and *.gws was found on only one site. It was listed as a GeoMedia (Intergraph) geoworkspace file format.
Martin: yes, gws is already taken (1) moreover GeoMedia -- too much related, 'gwsf' would be better.
So I guess we'd be wise to steer clear of *.gws. But *.gwsf seems fine.
Martin: I agree.
Anyone have any objection to *.gwsf?
Martin: not really, just like 3-letter extensions. But I haven't found something reasonable, some more ideas here?