Opened 16 years ago

Closed 15 years ago

#753 closed defect (worksforme)

Map elements (scalebar, legend, etc) frozen and crash GUI

Reported by: cmbarton Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: major Milestone: 6.5.0
Component: Compiling Version: svn-develbranch6
Keywords: legend, barscale Cc: martinl, kyngchaos
CPU: OSX/Intel Platform: MacOSX


In the current version of the wxpython GUI in GRASS 6.5 compiled today, all map elements (formerly overlays) are frozen once they are displayed. Attempting to move one with a mouse will crash the GUI.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by cmbarton, 16 years ago

Looking at the Mac crash reporter, it lists the last items before the crash as...

0 0x00567536 wxMemoryBufferData::ResizeIfNeeded(unsigned long) + 18 1 libwx_macud-2.8.0.dylib 0x010a53ff wxBitmapRefData::UseAlpha(bool) + 153 2 libwx_macud-2.8.0.dylib 0x010a5570 wxBitmap::UseAlpha() + 28 3 libwx_macud-2.8.0.dylib 0x010b2b27 wxMemoryDC::DoSelect(wxBitmap const&) + 167 4 0x0280e47b gwxPseudoDC::FindObjects(int, int, int, wxColour const&) + 917 (pseudodc.cpp:528) 5 0x0281f088 _wrap_PseudoDC_FindObjects + 890 (grass6_wxvdigit_wrap.cpp:4700)

So it looks like this problem may be caused by some recent change in the local PseudoDC created for wxdigit.


comment:2 by cmbarton, 16 years ago

Further information. If you have a version of wxpython installed that does not match the one used for compilation, the digitizer does not load and the map elements are NOT frozen.


comment:3 by cmbarton, 16 years ago

Cc: kyngchaos added
Component: wxGUICompiling

This now seems to have something to do with compiling on a Mac, so I'm changing the component from wxGUI to compiling.

A workaround is to bundle wxPython inside the Mac app. So there is still a connection to wxPython, but it is not a GUI issue per se. The question remains as to why this works if wxPython is bundled in the app, but causes a serious crash if the same wxPython is not bundled.


comment:4 by martin, 16 years ago

Cc: martinl added; martin removed

I suspect martinl is the correct addressee for this stuff.

comment:5 by cmbarton, 15 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

I think this is due to a problem finding the correct wxpython. It may be specific to a few Macs where MacPython is installed and not completely removed. It seems solved by completely removing a competing Python installation and reinstalling wxPython or by bundling wxpython with the binary. I'm marking it closed as 'worksforme' unless it crops up again under a different circumstance.

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