Opened 16 years ago

Closed 9 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#719 closed defect (fixed)

v.edit tool=break: breaking more then 6 coords and producing of an unexpected line

Reported by: achim Owned by: martinl
Priority: major Milestone: 7.0.3
Component: Vector Version: 7.0.2
Keywords: v.edit tool=break Cc: grass-dev@…, GG12345
CPU: Unspecified Platform: Linux



using v.edit tool=break results for more than 6 coordinates in an error: "Attempt to delete dead feature".

after error message the topology of vector-file is destroyed: WARNING: Size of 'coor' file differs from value saved in topology file WARNING: Please rebuild topology for vector map

two equal coordinates result in an error, too


breaking a line returns three(!) lines: the two desired and one straight connecting the breaking point and the end or start point of the input-line

Attachments (7)

break.jpg (20.9 KB ) - added by achim 16 years ago.
picture of produced unexpected line
lines.ascii (7.7 KB ) - added by achim 16 years ago.
example-lines in ASCII standart format (2.1 KB ) - added by achim 16 years ago.
how to reproduce bugs (make a copy named "network" between commands)
artifacts.png (52.3 KB ) - added by GG1234 11 years ago.
Artifacts still visible (55.7 KB ) - added by GG1234 11 years ago.
Used layers and breaking points (2.4 KB ) - added by GG12345 9 years ago.
test_break_lines2 shapefile
artifacts_v2015.png (40.4 KB ) - added by GG12345 9 years ago.
Picture of artifacts with breaking coordinates in red circles and artifacts pointed by arrows

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (35)

by achim, 16 years ago

Attachment: break.jpg added

picture of produced unexpected line

comment:1 by achim, 16 years ago


has to do with direction of line. If line direction is flipped, everything is done alright.

Guess, it has to do with " Vect_append_point" in lines 94, 106, which add a line to the last! one.?

comment:2 by martinl, 16 years ago

Cc: grass-dev@… added
Owner: changed from grass-dev@… to martinl
Status: newassigned

in reply to:  description comment:3 by martinl, 16 years ago

Replying to achim:


using v.edit tool=break results for more than 6 coordinates in an error: "Attempt to delete dead feature".

after error message the topology of vector-file is destroyed: WARNING: Size of 'coor' file differs from value saved in topology file WARNING: Please rebuild topology for vector map

two equal coordinates result in an error, too


breaking a line returns three(!) lines: the two desired and one straight connecting the breaking point and the end or start point of the input-line

Can you attach testing data to the ticket (e.g. in GRASS ASCII format - v.out.ascii format=standard) and exact commands to reproduce buggy behaviour of v.edit? Thanks. Martin

by achim, 16 years ago

Attachment: lines.ascii added

example-lines in ASCII standart format

by achim, 16 years ago

Attachment: added

how to reproduce bugs (make a copy named "network" between commands)

comment:4 by achim, 16 years ago

Hi, I added a code example. Hope it helps... Achim

comment:5 by achim, 16 years ago

Forgot: its EPSG 4326 at

g.region -p projection: 3 (Latitude-Longitude) zone: 0 datum: wgs84 ellipsoid: wgs84 north: 31:27:30N south: 4:01:30S west: 23:27E east: 39:48E nsres: 0:00:30 ewres: 0:00:30 rows: 4258 cols: 1962 cells: 8354196

comment:6 by GG1234, 11 years ago

Hello all,

I am having the same unexpected additional lines when I brake lines of my map. Is there any hope for this ticket to be resolved in a near future or should I find a workaround ? Has anybody ideas of workarounds ? I tried on PostGis with the ST_Split function but wasn't lucky at using it, and I would rather stay in GRASS if possible.



in reply to:  6 comment:7 by martinl, 11 years ago

Replying to GG1234:

I am having the same unexpected additional lines when I brake lines of my map. Is there any hope for this ticket to be resolved in a near future or should I find a workaround ? Has anybody ideas of workarounds ? I tried on PostGis with the ST_Split function but wasn't lucky at using it, and I would rather stay in GRASS if possible.

I will take a look at this issue during Christmas. No promises that it will help of course:-) Happy Xmas, Martin

in reply to:  1 comment:8 by martinl, 11 years ago

Replying to achim:


has to do with direction of line. If line direction is flipped, everything is done alright.

Guess, it has to do with " Vect_append_point" in lines 94, 106, which add a line to the last! one.?

hopefully fixed in r58512 (devbr6).

The command breaks both lines (1 and 2)

v.edit map=network tool=break coords=33.6708333333333,16.9041666666667

You want probably break only line with id 1

v.edit map=network tool=break coords=33.6708333333333,16.9041666666667 id=1

Another option would be to break lines on intersections

v.clean in=network out=network_break tool=break


v.edit map=network tool=break id=1-9999

assuming that the map has less them 10e3 lines.

comment:9 by martinl, 11 years ago

Breaking lines with multiple coordinate pairs hopefully fixed in r58516 (GRASS 6.5 only). Note that command

v.edit map=network tool=break coords=33.6708333333333,16.9041666666667,32.5041666666667,15.6458333333333,33.0208333333333,15.2708333333333

breaks all lines in given bounding boxes. You probably want to break lines only on intersections (v.clean tool=break)

comment:10 by GG1234, 11 years ago

Hello Martin,

I am afraid I still have artifacts, see attached picture. For further debugging, I attach my layer and a txt files with the points on which I break.

I didn't try the first described bug yet, but will do so ASAP.

Thanks for the help and Merry Christmas to all,


by GG1234, 11 years ago

Attachment: artifacts.png added

Artifacts still visible

by GG1234, 11 years ago

Attachment: added

Used layers and breaking points

in reply to:  10 comment:11 by martinl, 11 years ago

Replying to GG1234:

I am afraid I still have artifacts, see attached picture. For further debugging, I attach my layer and a txt files with the points on which I break.

please could you attach also commands to reproduce this bug. I have imported two shapefiles and created a point map.

comment:12 by GG1234, 11 years ago

I extracted the commands from the python script I use. Here it is :

def montest():
	print g.run_command('v.patch', quiet=True, overwrite=True, input = ("Support_2","Raccos"), output="network")
	file = open('Conn_Pt2.txt', 'r')
	resultatParse =
	resultat = resultatParse.split("\n")
	for macoord in resultat[1:]:
		print "braking at point "+macoord
		print g.run_command('v.edit', map = "network", layer=1, tool = 'break', coords = macoord, thresh=1 ,overwrite=True)

comment:13 by GG1234, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: assignedclosed

Thanks to Martin's Christmas present the bugs have vanished. My previous tests were wrong, I guess my Grass build wasn't recent enough. With a new setup it works like a charm !

Many thanks to Martin for this bug resolution, I will close the ticket. Any ideas if the fix is also in Grass 7 or will be in near futur ?


in reply to:  13 ; comment:14 by neteler, 11 years ago

Version: svn-develbranch6svn-releasebranch64

Replying to GG1234:

Many thanks to Martin for this bug resolution, I will close the ticket. Any ideas if the fix is also in Grass 7 or will be in near futur ?

Reopening since lacking from G6.4 (two differences) and potentially 7.

in reply to:  14 comment:15 by martinl, 11 years ago

Replying to neteler:

Reopening since lacking from G6.4 (two differences) and potentially 7.

right, backported to relbr64 as r58933 and r58934. Could anyone test it (probably GG1234?)? Thanks.

comment:16 by GG12345, 9 years ago

Cc: GG12345 added
Platform: UnspecifiedLinux
Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened
Version: svn-releasebranch647.0.2

in reply to:  16 comment:17 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to GG12345:

it means that it doesn't work for you? What exactly?

comment:18 by GG12345, 9 years ago

Hello and Happy Christmas to all ! Sorry for the delay, was doing additional testing.

This bug seems to like Xmas time... I reopened the ticket because I still have the same artifacts on 7.0.2.

Below is a simple way to reproduce the bug :

In a location based on EPSG:27572 --overwrite -o input=/.../test_break_lines2.shp output=ptnet
v.edit --verbose --overwrite map=ptnet layer=1 type=line tool=break coords=531934.28,1851818.17,531949.15,1851831.79 threshold=0.01
v.out.ogr --overwrite -cs input=ptnet olayer=ptnet format=ESRI_Shapefile type=line output=/.../test dsco="SHPT=ARC"

Data is attached.

v.edit behaves differently depending on the precision of breaking coordinates. For the following examples I used only one point to break the lines.

  • With 8 decimals (531934.283798572,1851818.16932773) it selects the features but does not brake them. Debug=3 shows that spdist value of Vect_line_distance is 0 which is wrong. I wasn't able to track the bug further.
  • With 2 decimals (531934.28,1851818.17) it selects 2 features but breaks 2 which is wrong
  • With 3 decimals (531934.283,1851818.169) it selects 3 features and breaks 2 which are both wrong

Other thing to notice : I tried it on a windows OSGeo4W version of GRASS 7.0.2 and it works (only tested with 8 decimals). It seems to bug only on unix (Debian).

Is it the same bug as for 6.5 ? Any solution ?

Thanks for the help ! Cev.

g.version shows :

GRASS 7.0.2 (2015)
PROJ.4: 4.8.0
GDAL/OGR: 1.10.1
GEOS: 3.4.2

g.proj shows :

name       : Lambert Conformal Conic
proj       : lcc
ellps      : clark80IGN
lat_1      : 46.8
lat_0      : 46.8
lon_0      : 0
k_0        : 0.99987742
x_0        : 600000
y_0        : 2200000
towgs84    : -168,-60,320,0,0,0,0
pm         : paris
no_defs    : defined
epsg       : 27572
unit       : meter
units      : meters
meters     : 1

g.region shows :

projection: 99 (Lambert Conformal Conic)
zone:       0
datum:      towgs84=-168,-60,320,0,0,0,0
ellipsoid:  clark80IGN
north:      1
south:      0
west:       0
east:       1
nsres:      1
ewres:      1
rows:       1
cols:       1
cells:      1
Last edited 9 years ago by GG12345 (previous) (diff)

by GG12345, 9 years ago

Attachment: added

test_break_lines2 shapefile

by GG12345, 9 years ago

Attachment: artifacts_v2015.png added

Picture of artifacts with breaking coordinates in red circles and artifacts pointed by arrows

comment:19 by GG12345, 9 years ago

Hello all and best wishes for 2016 !

Any time for this bug ? Are there some tests I could do ?

I was wondering if the region precision could be of any help for this, but if I read correctly in g.region manual, "Typically all raster and display modules are affected by the current region settings, but not vector modules. Some special modules diverge from this rule, for example raster import modules and" Any clues ?



comment:20 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Looking at this briefly, wouldn't it be enough to port r58512 and r5851 to the grass7 branches ? The original fix was only applied to grass6.

in reply to:  20 ; comment:21 by neteler, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

Looking at this briefly, wouldn't it be enough to port r58512 and r5851 to the grass7 branches ? The original fix was only applied to grass6.

Sure about r5851? One digit lost?

in reply to:  21 ; comment:22 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to neteler:

Replying to mlennert:

Looking at this briefly, wouldn't it be enough to port r58512 and r5851 to the grass7 branches ? The original fix was only applied to grass6.

Sure about r5851? One digit lost?

Yes, sorry, this should have been r58512 and r58516 (as mentioned in earlier comments by Martin).

in reply to:  22 ; comment:23 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

Replying to neteler:

Replying to mlennert:

Looking at this briefly, wouldn't it be enough to port r58512 and r5851 to the grass7 branches ? The original fix was only applied to grass6.

Sure about r5851? One digit lost?

Yes, sorry, this should have been r58512 and r58516 (as mentioned in earlier comments by Martin).

I just tested trunk without and with the above fixes applied. Without I can reproduce the issue reported by the OP, with the issue seems to be solved. So I took the liberty to forward port both fixes to trunk.

Please test. I don't know the code well enough to judge the invasiveness of this fix and am not sure if this should still go into 7.0.3. Maybe we should wait a bit and backport it for 7.0.4 ?

in reply to:  23 ; comment:24 by mlennert, 9 years ago

Replying to mlennert:

Replying to mlennert:

Replying to neteler:

Replying to mlennert:

Looking at this briefly, wouldn't it be enough to port r58512 and r5851 to the grass7 branches ? The original fix was only applied to grass6.

Sure about r5851? One digit lost?

Yes, sorry, this should have been r58512 and r58516 (as mentioned in earlier comments by Martin).

I just tested trunk without and with the above fixes applied. Without I can reproduce the issue reported by the OP, with the issue seems to be solved. So I took the liberty to forward port both fixes to trunk.

For the reference: r67577.

in reply to:  24 comment:25 by martinl, 9 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Replying to mlennert:

For the reference: r67577.

the modified function is used only in v.edit. I took liberty to backport patch also to relbr70 (r67579). Closing ticket, feel free to reopen if needed.

comment:26 by GG12345, 9 years ago

Great !! Many thanks Moritz ! I will be testing it in a few days time and will come back with output. Cev.

in reply to:  26 comment:27 by martinl, 9 years ago

Replying to GG12345:

I will be testing it in a few days time and will come back with output.

you can test 7.0.3RC2 (this version contains the patch too).

comment:28 by GG12345, 9 years ago

Hello all, I have tested trunk & 7.0.3RC2 : both work as expected ! Many thanks to Moritz & Martin ! Cev.

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