Opened 11 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#2423 closed defect (fixed)

r.series.interp missing in wxGUI menu

Reported by: jbrauner Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.2.0
Component: wxGUI Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: r.series.interp, wxGUI, menu Cc:
CPU: All Platform: All


Hi devs,

r.series.interp is missing in wxGUI menu.

I created a patch (attached) to add it just below r.series in the Raster -> Overlay submenu as "Raster series interpolation". This is just a suggestion, feel free to place it anywhere else.

Hopefully I've modified the correct toolboxes.xml -> newbie :).



Change History (8)

by jbrauner, 11 years ago

Attachment: toolboxes.xml.patch added

comment:1 by neteler, 10 years ago

I would be happy to intergrate tge missing item but it is not clear to me which files to edit:

ls gui/wxpython/xml/*.xml
main_menu.xml         menudata_psmap.xml  module_tree_menudata.xml  toolboxes.xml
menudata_modeler.xml  menudata.xml        module_tree.xml           wxgui_items.xml

What is the role of



in reply to:  1 ; comment:2 by jbrauner, 10 years ago

I try to deduct my thinking process here ... which lead to the patch :)

Replying to neteler:

I would be happy to intergrate tge missing item but it is not clear to me which files to edit:

ls gui/wxpython/xml/*.xml
main_menu.xml         menudata_psmap.xml  module_tree_menudata.xml  toolboxes.xml
menudata_modeler.xml  menudata.xml        module_tree.xml           wxgui_items.xml

I somehow figured out (after checking the wxGUI developer documentation and the source code), that it has to be toolboxes.xml, because

What is the role of



this script delivers a list of all possible menuentries and toolboxes.xml based on menudata.xml provides the structure, place and the labels used in the menu.

Again, that was somehow a noobish deduction - but that's the best I can deliver right now. :)



in reply to:  2 ; comment:3 by wenzeslaus, 10 years ago

Replying to jbrauner:

I try to deduct my thinking process here ... which lead to the patch :)

Replying to neteler:

I would be happy to intergrate tge missing item but it is not clear to me which files to edit:

ls gui/wxpython/xml/*.xml
main_menu.xml         menudata_psmap.xml  module_tree_menudata.xml  toolboxes.xml
menudata_modeler.xml  menudata.xml        module_tree.xml           wxgui_items.xml

I somehow figured out (after checking the wxGUI developer documentation and the source code), that it has to be toolboxes.xml, because

There was a documentation for this in programming manual but it was deleted few days ago in r62097. However, there is still a user-oriented documentation which applies almost completely:

(except for location of the files)

What is the role of



this script delivers a list of all possible menuentries and toolboxes.xml based on menudata.xml provides the structure, place and the labels used in the menu.

See, (removed) documentation (source:grass/trunk/gui/wxpython/wxguitoolboxes.dox?rev=57001#L224). Perhaps we could remove the script now. I would have to double check.

Anyway, use make and see what happens, if nothing do make clean, maybe rm ...dist.../etc/gui and make (or simple or time consuming make distclean && make).

Again, that was somehow a noobish deduction - but that's the best I can deliver right now. :)

If you want some example of a change, see the changes in r60768 (backported r60771).

I'm not doing the change because I don't know if "Overlay rasters" is the right toolbox/group/submenu for r.series.interp, interpolation is not really an overlay operation. Perhaps r.series.accumulate should go there (which is also not in the menu).

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by neteler, 10 years ago

Replying to wenzeslaus:

There was a documentation for this in programming manual but it was deleted few days ago in r62097.

BTW: I brought that now back as sphinx rst files in r62138.

(technically, I converted the doxygen output from a not yet updated GRASS mirror site to ODT/Libreoffice, then used to convert it again + some manual work on the files). Generate with

cd gui/wxpython/docs/wxgui_toolboxes/
make toolboxeshtml

in reply to:  description comment:5 by neteler, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Replying to jbrauner:

Hi devs,

r.series.interp is missing in wxGUI menu.

I created a patch (attached) to add it just below r.series in the Raster -> Overlay submenu as "Raster series interpolation". This is just a suggestion, feel free to place it anywhere else.

I have now put

  • r.series.accumulate into "Overlay"
  • r.series.interp into "Interpolation"

and additionally moved r.buffer + r.distance into a new submenu to shorten the "Raster" menu.

See r62139 (trunk) and r62140 (relbr7). Closing ticket.

comment:6 by jbrauner, 10 years ago

Thank you both! Much appreciated and I've learned some things once again.


comment:7 by neteler, 9 years ago


Milestone renamed

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