Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

#2397 closed defect (invalid)

$GISBASE/etc/gui to $GISBASE/gui

Reported by: babayoshihiko Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: minor Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: wxGUI Version: unspecified
Keywords: Cc:
CPU: OSX/Intel Platform: MacOSX


GRASS cannot find grass.ico in $GISBASE/etc/gui/icons during startup.

Since 7.0.0beta3, it seems $GISBASE/etc/gui has moved to $GISBASE/gui. However, $GISBASE/gui/wxpython/core/, which is created during the build process, still contains lines:

ETCDIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("GISBASE"), "etc")
ETCICONDIR = os.path.join(os.getenv("GISBASE"), "etc", "gui", "icons")
ETCWXDIR = os.path.join(ETCDIR, "gui", "wxpython")
ETCIMGDIR = os.path.join(ETCDIR, "gui", "images")
ETCSYMBOLDIR = os.path.join(ETCDIR, "gui", "images", "symbols")

I've been looking around the source's corresponding file , i.e. gui/wxpython/core/

ETCDIR   = os.path.join(os.getenv("GISBASE"), "etc")
GUIDIR   = os.path.join(os.getenv("GISBASE"), "gui")
WXGUIDIR = os.path.join(GUIDIR, "wxpython")
ICONDIR  = os.path.join(GUIDIR, "icons")
IMGDIR   = os.path.join(GUIDIR, "images")
SYMBDIR  = os.path.join(IMGDIR, "symbols")

but fixing this file doesn't solve the issue.

My OS is MacOSX 10.9 and all the depending libraries are installed by Fink.

Change History (4)

comment:1 by martinl, 11 years ago

It seems that there is something wrong with your installation. Please ask the provider of the package for Mac.

in reply to:  1 comment:2 by babayoshihiko, 11 years ago

Thank you for your comments. However, unfortunately I am the package maintainer, and

7.0.0beta2 builds fine 7.0.0beta3 builds fine if two files are backported to use $GISBASE/etc/gui I built 7.0.0beta3 in clean environment several times

It's true that Fink installs almost everything in non-standard /sw. But I don't think this is the issue here.

in reply to:  description ; comment:3 by glynn, 11 years ago

Replying to babayoshihiko:

However, $GISBASE/gui/wxpython/core/, which is created during the build process, still contains lines:

It's "created" in the sense that it's copied from gui/wxpython/core/ to $(ARCH_DISTDIR)/gui/wxpython/core/

The old version doesn't exist in the source tree and cannot be created as part of the build process. The only ways I can imagine ending up with an old version are

  • An unclean source tree (e.g. from using "svn update" on a working copy which contains modifications).
  • Being left behind from a previous version, and not replaced during build or installation.
  • Being copied from a previous version during build or installation.

in reply to:  3 comment:4 by babayoshihiko, 11 years ago

Resolution: invalid
Status: newclosed

You both are right. It was simply my mistake that RUN_GISBASE=/previous/grass/installation was passed to make. Sorry about the fuss.

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