Opened 11 years ago

Closed 11 years ago

Last modified 9 years ago

#2305 closed enhancement (fixed)

i.atcorr landsat8 support

Reported by: vesnikos Owned by: grass-dev@…
Priority: normal Milestone: 7.0.0
Component: Imagery Version: svn-trunk
Keywords: Landsat, i.atcorr Cc: vesnikos, ychemin
CPU: x86-64 Platform: Linux


*) Added support for Landsat 8 *) Corrected docs: Second WV entry was QuickBird in reallity about according to IWave.h/cpp

I just added support for Landsat 8 bands in i.atcorr; It needs some testning now

Change History (11)

by vesnikos, 11 years ago

Attachment: i.atcorr_ls.patch added

Patch for LandSat8 Support in i.atcorr

comment:1 by neteler, 11 years ago

Keywords: i.atcorr added

Unfortunately the patch cannot be applied as is due to tab/space confusion. You need to use

svn diff imagery/i.atcorr > i.atcorr_ls8.patch

and then upload to preserve the formatting. Thanks!

by vesnikos, 11 years ago

Attachment: i.atcorr_ls8.patch added

reuploaded per request ( hopefully fixed now)

comment:2 by neteler, 11 years ago

Uploaded to trunk in r60610 (please test this new Landsat8 support)

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by ychemin, 11 years ago

Cc: ychemin added
CPU: Unspecifiedx86-64
Platform: UnspecifiedLinux

Replying to neteler:

Uploaded to trunk in r60610 (please test this new Landsat8 support)

iwave 115 gets through but 116 and more give Unsupported Warning, and still process. Band 1 processed without warning gives 10-9 values, bands with warning give null data.

LC81270512014115LGN00.toar.1 iwave no: 115 Atmospheric correction...


Atmospheric correction complete. LC81270512014115LGN00.toar.2 iwave no: 116 WARNING: Unsupported iwave value: 116 Atmospheric correction...


Atmospheric correction complete.

comment:4 by neteler, 11 years ago

Version: unspecifiedsvn-trunk

Try r60761.

comment:5 by ychemin, 11 years ago

Fixed indeed ! Thanks.

comment:6 by neteler, 11 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Backported to relbr7 in r61314.

comment:7 by Nikos Alexandris, 10 years ago

While scripting an i.landsat.atcorr module, wouldn't it be "ok" to keep the official order of Landsat's 8 band_designation? Currently, in i.atcorr the order is:

1: 115, 2: 116, 3: 117, 4: 118, 8: 119, 5: 120, 9: 121, 6: 122, 7: 123

Why not:

1: 115, 2: 116, 3: 117, 4: 118, 5: 119, 6: 120, 7: 121, 8: 122, 9: 123


in reply to:  7 comment:8 by neteler, 10 years ago

Replying to nikosa:

While scripting an i.landsat.atcorr module, wouldn't it be "ok" to keep the official order of Landsat's 8 band_designation?

Yes, would make more sense.

Currently, in i.atcorr the order is:

1: 115, 2: 116, 3: 117, 4: 118, 8: 119, 5: 120, 9: 121, 6: 122, 7: 123

Why not:

1: 115, 2: 116, 3: 117, 4: 118, 5: 119, 6: 120, 7: 121, 8: 122, 9: 123


I guess that's how the original patch was provided. Can you manage to prepare a patch for the modification?

in reply to:  6 comment:9 by neteler, 9 years ago

Replying to neteler:

Backported to relbr7 in r61314.

Backported to relbr6 in r66615.

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