Opened 14 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#162 closed defect (wontfix)

WidgetService 'legacy' method no longer supported, adjust according widgets

Reported by: adube Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone: 1.0.0
Component: widgets Version:
Keywords: Cc:


With r901, the org_geoprisma_service_WidgetService service is no longer supported using the 'legacy' method (see in documentation here, under "Service of ‘widget’ type (legacy method)". The according code was put under comments.

This was a mistake at first but I think we should drop the support of this legacy method since it requires building unnecessary objects (datastores, resources, etc.) and by 'drop' I don't mean deprecate, but a complete removal.

affected widgets

The change may have caused some widgets to stop working, such as the split and merge widgets if I recall correctly. They should be updated to support the new way.

Change History (5)

comment:1 by adube, 14 years ago

r905, this ticket is mentioned in the source code directly for developers to at least have some notice to where to look at if they get an error while using the legacy method.

comment:2 by yvesm, 14 years ago

The split & merge require all logic in the database currently which isn't a good thing so indeed we need to change those widgets. Worse comes to worse, someone in dire need of the split & merge can always use a revision of GP < 901. For now, we could mark the widgets as requiring revision < 901.

comment:3 by adube, 14 years ago

I agree.

I made the following change : r907. It features a "requires revision 900 or older" notice for both widget in their doc.

Let's keep this ticket open until they fully support the new way.

comment:4 by adube, 13 years ago

Milestone: 1.0.0

'merge', 'split' and all 'legacy' widgets could become deprecated in 1.0.

comment:5 by adube, 13 years ago

Resolution: wontfix
Status: newclosed

'merge', 'split' were removed and the 'legacy' widgets (map and mapfishlayertree) are deprecated in 1.0.

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