Opened 15 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#148 closed task (fixed)

GeoExt "PrintForm" widget

Reported by: adube Owned by:
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: widgets Version:
Keywords: Cc: yves.moisan@…


requires : #147


Add a new "GeoExtPrintForm" widget which should basically do the same thing as the following example.

widget options

The only options the widget should have are booleans to turn on or off the related form elements and 'defaultElementValue' options to have the according dropdown element selected by default to the specified value or as the value to use if the element was not added (using the boolean option to turn the element off). Each element should also have default values as well when nothing is defined and everything turned off.

unprintable layer types

Make sure that no 'unprintable' layers such as Google can be printed by the widget.

other print methods

There are other ways to print in GeoExt. If any one of them should make its way inside GeoPrisma, they should be defined as new widgets.

Change History (7)

by adube, 14 years ago

Features the new widget. Some things remains to do.

comment:1 by adube, 14 years ago

The attached patch features :

  • a new "GeoExtPrintForm" widget that connects to the new "MapFishPrint" service

remaining things to do

  • i18n
  • documentation
  • make the form elements configurable ( "there" or "not there" )
  • have default value options for the form elements
  • have a better "on map move, fit the print page". Currently, it's annoying that it always change on each map move...
  • test and support with the new PGSQLMapContextConfig driver

comment:2 by yvesm, 14 years ago

Thanx for this big piece of work ! Being at par with Geoext's print widget is *nice*. A few observations :

  • src/client/widgets/geoextprintform/GeoExtPrintForm.rst points to the wrong doc file (zoomto widget)
  • samples/config.php : we don't need "$g_bConfigSecure = true;" by default IMO

Where should I look to find which geoext-ux we wrap ?

in reply to:  2 comment:3 by adube, 14 years ago

Replying to yvesm:

Thanx for this big piece of work ! Being at par with Geoext's print widget is *nice*. A few observations :

  • src/client/widgets/geoextprintform/GeoExtPrintForm.rst points to the wrong doc file (zoomto widget)

I know, that's because I didn't do any doc yet (as mentioned above).

  • samples/config.php : we don't need "$g_bConfigSecure = true;" by default IMO

Woops, I just forgot to turn that back to 'false'. I usually use it a lot while developing. You're right, it should stay to 'false'. My bad.

Where should I look to find which geoext-ux we wrap ?

The widget doesn't use any geoext-ux library. It uses only 'core' geoext elements.

comment:4 by yvesm, 14 years ago

Cc: yves.moisan@… added

by adube, 14 years ago

Patch of the widget with current revision

comment:5 by adube, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

r906, featuring :

  • the complete new GeoExtPrintForm widget with :
  • full support for the PGSQLMapContextConfig driver (tests made).

All known limitations and issues are mentioned in the #147 ticket as they are not directly related to this widget but rather to the MapFishPrint service itself.

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