Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#473 closed defect (fixed)

Left-column disappearing

Reported by: osjonathan Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: minor Milestone: v2.6.4
Component: User interface (web) Version: v2.6.3
Keywords: Cc:


This bug relates to the left-column where all the "searches" are, that you see on the front-page of geonetwork.

if you click the button "advanced" or "options", and possibly some other stuff while the left-column is doing it's fancy scrolling, the content of the column will disappear and you just end up with a big, useless, white space. This happens in both FF4 rc1 and Opera 11.01. The IE7 I have doesn't have the issue because it has instantaneous transitions rather than the fancy sliding ones. I don't suppose there's an easy-to-get-to option that would allow me to turn off the fancy transitions?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by fxp, 13 years ago

Maybe we should remove the BlinkDown effect for all browser if that fix the issue ? Does not apply to trunk which use tabs now.

comment:2 by josegar74, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Disabled scroll effect

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