Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#1199 closed defect (fixed)

metadata/ doesnt send the e-mail to all users

Reported by: landry Owned by: geonetwork-devel@…
Priority: major Milestone: v2.8.0
Component: Catalog server Version: v2.8.0RC2
Keywords: Cc: simon.pigot@…


When changing a metadata status from unknown to submitted, some mails should be sent by the catalog to all reviewers. What i'm seeing instead is :

  • the first reviewer in the list doesnt receive an e-mail
  • all the others receive a mail
  • the last reviewer receives a dupe of the mail

with the given sql request made by am.getContentReviewers() in informContentReviewers()

SELECT as metadataid, as userid, as name, u.surname as surname, as email from Metadata m JOIN UserGroups ug on m.groupOwner = ug.groupId JOIN Users u on = ug.userId WHERE and u.profile='Reviewer' order by;

say i get a list with a@…, b@… and c@… as email field.

a@… will receive nothing, b@… will receive a mail, and c@… will receive two mails.

I've tracked it down to processList() in metadata/ - which logic seems bogus. When that chunk :

if (mIds.size() > 0) { // send out the last one
    sendEmail(email, subject, status, changeDate, changeMessage);

is reached, 'email' still contains the e-mail of the last reviewer in the userList.

What was the intent of the strange

if (!id.equals(lastUserId) && !first) { // send out list

test to avoid sending a mail to the first e-mail ? avoid duplicates ? Also, why storing mIds/mid/id/lastUserId ?

To me, the thing could be greatly simplified as this :

for (Element user : userList) {
    email      = user.getChildText("email");
    sendEmail(email, subject, status, changeDate, changeMessage);

Unless there's something obvious i'm missing, i dont understand why the function is so complicated..

Change History (2)

comment:1 by simonp, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Logic got twisted after changes to an earlier incantation that sent metadata ids in status change messages - fix is not quite as simple as you've proposed because the accessmanager calls owners/content reviewers for all metadata records so need to remove duplicates - but certainly can be done much more easily than the original :-)

Fixed in commit 3d16a17599453a62398a11c6e0be72b9323716b6

comment:2 by ianwallen, 12 years ago

Milestone: v2.9.0v2.8.0
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