
Version 9 (modified by sbl, 11 years ago) ( diff )

Updated build hints for Windows

Build GDAL with support for the Norwegian SOSI format

Unix (Tested on Ubuntu 12.04)

Download and build the FYBA library from the National Mapping Authority of Norway (Statens kartverk)

The SOSI driver requires the FYBA library to read and write files in the Norwegian geodata standard format SOSI. OpenFYBA is, a source code release of the FYBA library, is distributed by the National Mapping Authority of Norway (Statens kartverk) and can be downloaded from their git repository: (

git clone
cd fyba
autoreconf --force --install
sudo make install
cd ..

This procedure installs the FYBA library (libfyba) and it`s dependencies (libfygm and libfyut) in /usr/local/.

Download and build GDAL

For the time being, convenient access to the SOSI driver is provided by a GDAL version hosted on the git repository of the National Mapping Authority of Norway (Statens Kartverk):

git clone gdal_sosi
cd gdal_sosi/gdal
#Recreate the configure script with SOSI support
./configure --with-sosi
sudo make install

In addition, some Linux distributions require the shared library cache to be updated after install:

sudo ldconfig

Windows (Tested on Winows 7 with MS Visual Studio 2012)

Download precompiled .lib- and include-files of the OpenFYBA library from (from folders "include" and "Lib"). Or rebuild them using the project files for MS Visual Studio and build instructions provided here The OpenFYBA library - where the SOSI-driver is build on - consists of three parts: GM.lib, UT.lib, and FYBA.lib.

Download GDAL source code from for GDAL version 1.9.2 or later.

Uncommend lines regarding SOSI-support in GDALs nmake.opt and set path to where you have your lib-files and include folder for OpenFYBA e.g.:

# Uncomment for SOSI support
SOSI_INC_DIR = -IC:/fyba/include
SOSI_LIBS = C:/fyba/Lib/GM.lib C:/fyba/Lib/UT.lib C:/fyba/Lib/FYBA.lib

Build GDAL with MS Visual Studio Use the same compiler for both OpenFYBA and GDAL.

There are older downloads including binary versions for Windows on:

Testing and using the SOSI driver

To test if the driver has been loaded, execute the following (look for "SOSI" in the results):

ogrinfo --formats

Then test with a sample file (such as or

ogrinfo 20BygnAnlegg.SOS

Note: When accessing a SOSI file, the SOSI driver writes out indices into a subfolder within the same directory where your SOSI files (.sos) are stored. Therefore you have to have write access to the directory containing your SOSI files.

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