Opened 18 years ago

Closed 17 years ago

#72 closed defect (fixed)

King Oracle v.0.6.5 Memory Leak with MGOS 1.20 Beta2

Reported by: zspitzer Owned by: haris
Priority: major Milestone: 3.2.2
Component: KingOracle Provider Version: 3.2.2
Severity: 1 Keywords:
Cc: External ID:


I am using King Oracle v0.6.5 with 10g2, looks like it's got a memory leak in there somewhere.

Subsequent testing against mapguide 1.10 show the ram being released but the same virtual memory increase is occuring.

i started to test an oracle spatial layer with MGOS 1.20 Beta2. I am using a web/map/layer in session resource. The dataset are the state polygons for australia, which contains 12813 records (27 MB in shp files).

Each time I fresh the map, mapguide adds another 30mb ram and 30mb virtual mem which doesn't get released

                                 RAM            VM              CPU Time
Start Service                   35              31              0.01
Load Preview                    48              41              0.01
Reload Map                      123             117             0.27
reload Map                      155             152             0.52
reload Map                      188             187             1.18
reload Map                      221             221             1:44

So back to the memory stuff. I tried the Tasmanian SHP file in mapguide which is about 8mb / 5886 rows (complex coastlines and they are provided state by state), i kept them as SHP and as usual it's a lot faster in SHP land than Oracle and the memory is released after the map is rendered. The CPU usage for with SHP nothing compared to the Oracle ( and the oracle process was very low)

After about 15 refreshes of the map, memory hits over 600Mb and the same in virtual memory. At which point it the mapguide service doesn't respond anymore and kill from task manager is needed. there is nothing in the mapguide error log either.

Change History (2)

comment:1 by zspitzer, 17 years ago

Tested with 0.7.1 and MG 1.20 RC2, same behavior

comment:2 by zspitzer, 17 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

this was resolved with the 0.7.3 release of King Oracle

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