Opened 16 years ago

Last modified 15 years ago

#437 new enhancement

Georaster Oracle 11g support in FDO

Reported by: ssddgreg Owned by: gregboone
Priority: minor Milestone:
Component: FDO API Version:
Severity: 5 (Wish List) Keywords:
Cc: ilucena External ID:


I was searching for any documentation on support of FDO for GeoRaster from Oracle 11g and could not find it. Is going FDO to support Georaster?

Change History (2)

comment:1 by ssddgreg, 16 years ago

Milestone: 3.4.0
Version: 3.4.0

At which version of FDO is Oracle Georaster going to be implemented?

comment:2 by ilucena, 15 years ago

Cc: ilucena added

The KingOracle data provider does not support Oracle GeoRaster as I can see from here:

But I believe you can access GeoRaster on FDO through the GDAL data provider, as long as you have compiled GDAL with Oracle support or if you have a GDAL plugin for GeoRaster installed (on Windows that will be "gdal_GEOR.dll" or linux, "").

If you have that, you can read a GeoRaster by passing the GDAL/GeoRaster identification string and you can write the same way (if you can pass create-options to the GDAL driver, that will work better).

More about GDAL and GeoRaster:

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