
Version 11 (modified by aboudreault, 13 years ago) ( diff )


Ubuntu Supported Distributions

The codename can be got using the following command:

lsb_release -c

The release can be got using the following command:

lsb_release -r

Here's the list of the distributions supported by the Ubuntu GIS project and the expected end of support dates:

Codename Release End Of Support
Hardy LTS 8.04 April 2013
Intrepid 8.10 October 2009
Jaunty 9.04 April 2010
Karmic 9.10 October 2010
Lucid LTS 10.04 April 2015
Maverick 10.10 October 2011
Natty 11.04 April 2012
Oneiric 11.10 April 2013
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