To make uploading and building efficient it's best to upload the lowest level libraries first and the end applications last. Here's a recommended order, grouped into dependency levels. Packages in a dependency level have dependencies on one or more packages in the lower dependency level(s). Note that if an early dependency gets an update, several of the later end user applications may need a rebuild to use it. == Dependency level 1 == * cgal * cython * freexl * geographiclib * geolinks * geos * glfw * gmt-dcw * gmt-gshhg * insighttoolkit4 * istsos * libcgic * libkml * libmetadata-extractor-java * libspatialindex * mapbox-variant * muparserx * openjpeg2 * osm2pgrouting * owslib * proj * python-affine * python-click * readosm == Dependency level 2 == * gpsprune * libgeotiff-dfsg * librttopo * python-click-plugins * python-cligj * python-pyproj * python-rtree * python-shapely * python-snuggs == Dependency level 3 == * libgeotiff-epsg * mapproxy * pycsw * spatialite == Dependency level 4 == * gdal * librasterlite2 * pyspatialite * spatialite-tools == Dependency level 5 == * fiona * gmt * libgdal-ecw/mrsid * liblas * mapcache * mapnik * mapserver * merkaartor * openscenegraph * pywps * rasterio * saga * spatialite-gui == Dependency level 6 == * eoxserver * grass * mapnik-vector-tile * osgearth * ossim * pktools * pysal * python-geopandas * python-mapnik * sfcgal * tilecache == Dependency level 7 == * libgdal-grass * node-mapnik * otb * postgis * qgis == Dependency level 8 == * monteverdi * pgrouting * tinyows * zoo-project