Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of BuildOrder

Oct 30, 2016, 5:32:37 AM (8 years ago)
Bas Couwenberg

Group packages by dependency level & add additional packages


  • BuildOrder

    v2 v3  
    1 To make uploading and building efficient it's best to upload the lowest level libraries first and the end applications last. Here's a suggested order.
     1To make uploading and building efficient it's best to upload the lowest level libraries first and the end applications last.
     3Here's a recommended order, grouped into dependency levels. Packages in a dependency level have dependencies on one or more packages in the lower dependency level(s).
    35Note that if an early dependency gets an update, several of the later end user applications may need a rebuild to use it.
    5 == Group 1 ==
    6  1. proj
    7  1. freexl
    8  1. geos
    9  1. spatialite
    10  1. gdal
    11  1. libgdal-ecw/mrsid
    12  1. openscenegraph
     7== Dependency level 1 ==
    14 == Group 2 ==
    15  1. postgis
    16  1. pgrouting
    17  1. tilecache
    18  1. mapserver
    19  1. tinyows
    20  1. ossim
    21  1. otb
    22  1. saga
    23  1. qgis
     9 * cgal
     10 * cython
     11 * freexl
     12 * geographiclib
     13 * geolinks
     14 * geos
     15 * glfw
     16 * gmt-dcw
     17 * gmt-gshhg
     18 * insighttoolkit4
     19 * istsos
     20 * libcgic
     21 * libkml
     22 * libmetadata-extractor-java
     23 * libspatialindex
     24 * mapbox-variant
     25 * muparserx
     26 * openjpeg2
     27 * osm2pgrouting
     28 * owslib
     29 * proj
     30 * python-affine
     31 * python-click
     32 * readosm
     34== Dependency level 2 ==
     36 * gpsprune
     37 * libgeotiff-dfsg
     38 * librttopo
     39 * python-click-plugins
     40 * python-cligj
     41 * python-pyproj
     42 * python-rtree
     43 * python-shapely
     44 * python-snuggs
     46== Dependency level 3 ==
     48 * libgeotiff-epsg
     49 * mapproxy
     50 * pycsw
     51 * spatialite
     53== Dependency level 4 ==
     55 * gdal
     56 * librasterlite2
     57 * pyspatialite
     58 * spatialite-tools
     60== Dependency level 5 ==
     62 * fiona
     63 * gmt
     64 * libgdal-ecw/mrsid
     65 * liblas
     66 * mapcache
     67 * mapnik
     68 * mapserver
     69 * merkaartor
     70 * openscenegraph
     71 * pywps
     72 * rasterio
     73 * saga
     74 * spatialite-gui
     76== Dependency level 6 ==
     78 * eoxserver
     79 * grass
     80 * mapnik-vector-tile
     81 * osgearth
     82 * ossim
     83 * pktools
     84 * pysal
     85 * python-geopandas
     86 * python-mapnik
     87 * sfcgal
     88 * tilecache
     90== Dependency level 7 ==
     92 * libgdal-grass
     93 * node-mapnik
     94 * otb
     95 * postgis
     96 * qgis
     98== Dependency level 8 ==
     100 * monteverdi
     101 * pgrouting
     102 * tinyows
     103 * zoo-project