[[PageOutline]] = Developer's Information = This page is targeted at developers wishing to delve deeper into Proj4js internals. == Building custom versions of Proj4js == The proj4js/build directory contains some scripts that can be use to build a single file (buildUncompressed.py) and compressed (build.py) versions of the Proj4js library. The build process is controlled by the file library.cfg. To build the library: {{{ cd proj4js/build ./build.py }}} By default, all projection class code is included in the resulting file. If only a subset of projections are required, then the library.cfg file can be edited to include or exclude the pieces required. For example, if your application will only ever use EPSG:27563 and the LCC projection, library.cfg can be edited to be: {{{ [first] proj4js.js [last] [include] projCode/lcc.js defs/EPSG27563.js [exclude] defs/* }}} Similarly, OLprototype.cfg is the build configuration file used to create the OLprototype.js file with the OpenLayers build script. In general, there will be no need to modify this file. == The test suite == == Adding projection class code ==