Changes between Version 290 and Version 291 of WikiStart

11/02/24 00:49:05 (5 months ago)

fix GHA badge


  • TabularUnified WikiStart

    v290 v291  
    3030|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 9.5-11, GDAL 2.2.4, GEOS 3.7dev,32/64-bit')]] ||\
    3131|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    32 || [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
     32|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
    3333|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    3434|| [[Image(${params.reference=refs/heads/master}, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 10.1(branch), GDAL 2.1 branch, GEOS 3.6')]] ||\
    4343|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 12-17, GDAL 3.7.1, GEOS 3.13 64-bit')]] ||\
    4444|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    45 || [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
     45|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
    4646|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    4747|| [[Image(${params.reference=refs/heads/stable-3.5}, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 10.1(branch), GDAL 2.1 branch, GEOS 3.6')]] ||\
    5656|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 12-16, GDAL 3.7.1, GEOS 3.12 64-bit')]] ||\
    5757|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    58 || [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
     58|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
    5959|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    6060|| [[Image(${params.reference=refs/heads/stable-3.4}, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 10.1(branch), GDAL 2.1 branch, GEOS 3.6')]] ||\
    6969|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 9.5-11, GDAL 2.2.4, GEOS 3.7dev,32/64-bit')]] ||\
    7070|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    71 || [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
     71|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
    7272|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    7373|| [[Image(${params.reference=refs/heads/stable-3.3}, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 10.1(branch), GDAL 2.1 branch, GEOS 3.6')]] ||\
    9494|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 9.5-11, GDAL 2.2.4, GEOS 3.7dev,32/64-bit')]] ||\
    9595|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    96 || [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
     96|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
    9797|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    9898|| [[Image(${params.reference=refs/heads/stable-3.1}, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 10.1(branch), GDAL 2.1 branch, GEOS 3.6')]] ||\
    106106|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 9.5-11, GDAL 2.2.4, GEOS 3.7dev,32/64-bit')]] ||\
    107107|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    108 || [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
     108|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status, height="20")]] ||\
    109109|| [[Image(, link=, alt=status)]] ||\
    110110|| [[Image(${params.reference=refs/heads/stable-3.0}, link=, alt=status, height="20", title='PG 10.1(branch), GDAL 2.1 branch, GEOS 3.6')]] ||\