Changes between Version 37 and Version 38 of WKTRaster

04/16/09 11:03:16 (16 years ago)


  • WKTRaster

    v37 v38  
    4444'''WKT Raster...'''
    46 '''is as simple as PostGIS...'''
     46''' as simple as PostGIS...'''
    4747 * one table = one raster coverage (like a vector coverage)
    4848 * one row = one tile or one raster object (like a vector coverage where one row = one geometry)
    5050 * each raster tile has a pixel size, a width and a height, a variable number of band, a pixel type per band and a nodata value per band. Everything essential to do base raster GIS operations.
    52 '''is an extension of PostGIS to be installed separately'''
     52''' an extension of PostGIS to be installed separately'''
    5353 * merge with PostGIS might occur in the future...
    55 '''has an import/export mechanism similar to shp2pgsql'''
     55'''...has an import/export mechanism similar to shp2pgsql'''
    5656 * raster2pgsql and pgsql2raster utilities allowing import/export of a single raster or a batch of raster into a tiled coverage.
    58 '''allows easy conversion from/to geometry/raster...'''
     58'''...allows easy conversion from/to geometry/raster...'''
    5959 * RT_AsPolygon(raster) -> geometry
    6060 * RT_AsRaster(geometry, pixelsize) -> raster
    62 '''implements base GIS raster operations available in most GIS...'''
     62'''...implements base GIS raster operations available in most GIS...'''
    6363 * RT_Resample(raster, pixelsize, method) -> raster
    6464 * RT_Clip(raster|geometry,geometry) -> same type as first argument
    6767 * etc...)
    69 '''introduces raster/geometry seamless geometry constructors...'''
     69'''...introduces raster/geometry seamless geometry constructors...'''
    7070 * so you don't have to bother whether the layers are in raster or vector form when using analysis functions.
    7171 * RT_Intersection(raster|geometry, raster|geometry, "raster"|"geometry") -> raster/geometry
    7575 * etc...
    77 '''and seamless geometry operators...'''
     77'''...and seamless geometry operators...'''
    7878 * RT_Intersects(raster|geometry, raster|geometry) -> boolean
    7979 * RT_Contains(raster|geometry A, raster|geometry B) -> boolean
    8080 * etc...
    82 '''allows raster storage INSIDE the database''' (as WKB) for efficient overlay analysis operations between vector and raster layers...
     82'''...allows raster storage INSIDE the database''' (as WKB) for efficient overlay analysis operations between vector and raster layers...
    84 '''or OUTSIDE the database''' (as JPEG or TIFF) so desktop and web applications can quickly access and load raster tiles and nevertheless benefits from the powerful PostGIS GiST spatial index. Every WKT Raster SQL functions working with in-db raster tiles work seamlessly with out-db raster tiles.
     84'''...or OUTSIDE the database''' (as JPEG or TIFF) so desktop and web applications can quickly access and load raster tiles and nevertheless benefits from the powerful PostGIS GiST spatial index. Every WKT Raster SQL functions working with in-db raster tiles work seamlessly with out-db raster tiles.
    86 '''introduces the concept of raster objects...'''
     86'''...introduces the concept of raster objects...'''
    8787  * geographic features are stored as variable size raster tiles instead of polygons.
    8888  * allows vector to raster conversion without lost of information.
    90 '''is much more simple than PGRaster and Oracle !GeoRaster'''. WKT Raster supports...
     90''' much more simple than PGRaster and Oracle !GeoRaster'''. WKT Raster supports...
    9191  * only one type (instead of two: SDO_GEORASTER & SDO_RASTER). In WKT Raster there is no differences between a raster and a tile: a tile is a raster and a raster is a tile. A coverage is a table of tiles.
    9292  * no metadata (like PostGIS).