Changes between Version 197 and Version 198 of WKTRaster

09/30/11 07:46:16 (13 years ago)

Changed "Avencia" to "Azavea"


  • WKTRaster

    v197 v198  
    2727<I>August 1, 2011</I><BR><B>Two presentations about PostGIS Raster this year at FOSS4G in Denver!</B><BR>On Thursday, at 4 PM, Jorge Sanz and Ignacio Brodin will show how to <A href=>access PostGIS Raster from gvSIG Desktop</A>. On Friday, at 11 AM, Pierre Racine will speak about how to <A href=> store, manipulate and analyze raster data within the PostgreSQL/PostGIS spatial database</A>. He will also present what has been done since last year and what can be done with PostGIS Raster. See you in Denver: September 12-16!<BR><BR>
    29 <I>March 24, 2011</I><BR><B>A great Code Sprint and... ...a new contributor!</B><BR>David Zwarg from <A href=>Avencia</A> and Pierre Racine from the <A href=>CFR</A> met for the first time at the <A href=>Montréal Code Sprint</A> last week. They came out with a very innovative MapAlgebra function based on a user defined PL/pgSQL function. This code should be committed soon with another version involving neighbour pixels. On another side, students are already showing interest for our <A href=>Google Summer of Code Ideas</A> and Bborie Park, an experienced programmer from the <A href=>Center for Vectorborne Diseases</A> at the University of California will join the team. He will work on a series of SQL function converting PostGIS rasters to the different formats supported by GDAL and on resampling. Welcome Bborie!<BR><BR>
     29<I>March 24, 2011</I><BR><B>A great Code Sprint and... ...a new contributor!</B><BR>David Zwarg from <A href=>Azavea</A> and Pierre Racine from the <A href=>CFR</A> met for the first time at the <A href=>Montréal Code Sprint</A> last week. They came out with a very innovative MapAlgebra function based on a user defined PL/pgSQL function. This code should be committed soon with another version involving neighbour pixels. On another side, students are already showing interest for our <A href=>Google Summer of Code Ideas</A> and Bborie Park, an experienced programmer from the <A href=>Center for Vectorborne Diseases</A> at the University of California will join the team. He will work on a series of SQL function converting PostGIS rasters to the different formats supported by GDAL and on resampling. Welcome Bborie!<BR><BR>
    3939<I>June 11, 2010</I><BR><B>A tutorial and a book!</B><BR>The <A href=>PostGIS in Action</A> chapter on PostGIS WKT Raster is out! Thanks to Regina Obe and Leo Hsu, there is already a good amount of literature on WKT Raster and this makes WKT Raster to be a little bit more in the PostGIS family. Pierre Racine has also written <A href=> a tutorial on how to import and intersect a huge raster coverage with a vector coverage</A>. Your raster coverage is huge and you can't work with it in your favorite GIS platform? Read the tutorial! You will be amazed by the simplicity and the speed of the intersection functions. Good reading!<BR><BR>
    41 <I>February 22, 2010</I><BR><B>A third company join the WKT Raster team!</B><BR>The award-winning GIS software development firm, <A href=>Avencia</A>, specializing in web-based geographic analysis, visualization and modeling applications, decided to invest in WKT Raster development. The company sent David Zwarg and Jeff Adams to <A href=>the Code Sprint 2010 in NY</A>. Jeff worked on PostGIS and David helped with many WKT Raster base functions. David committed himself to work on many other WKT Raster functions in the near future. His main task will be to design and implement the ST_MapAlgebra() and the ST_Resample() functions. Welcome David!<BR><BR>
     41<I>February 22, 2010</I><BR><B>A third company join the WKT Raster team!</B><BR>The award-winning GIS software development firm, <A href=>Azavea</A>, specializing in web-based geographic analysis, visualization and modeling applications, decided to invest in WKT Raster development. The company sent David Zwarg and Jeff Adams to <A href=>the Code Sprint 2010 in NY</A>. Jeff worked on PostGIS and David helped with many WKT Raster base functions. David committed himself to work on many other WKT Raster functions in the near future. His main task will be to design and implement the ST_MapAlgebra() and the ST_Resample() functions. Welcome David!<BR><BR>