Changes between Version 89 and Version 90 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

05/26/11 12:11:37 (14 years ago)



  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

    v89 v90  
    871871'''ST_Area(raster|geometry) -> double'''[[BR]]
    872 '''ST_Count(raster, value) -> integer'''[[BR]]
     875'''ST_ValueCount(raster, value) -> integer'''[[BR]]
     877ST_ValueCount provides the ability to count the number of times that a user-provided value is present in a raster. To handle floating point values, a rounding argument is provided.
     879A set of functions for one or more search values:
     881''If NULL is passed for "searchvalues" to any of the ST_ValueCount variations with "searchvalues", the function returns the counts for all unique values''
     8831. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, hasnodata boolean, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     885    returns the number of times that each value in searchvalues is present in the raster
     887    hasnodata: if FALSE, nodata values in band are considered in the count. if TRUE, nodata values are not considered
     889    searchvalues: the set of values to count in the raster
     891    roundto: the decimal position to round a pixel value to. Originally intended for use with 32BF and 64BF pixel types, it can also be used with integers when round to the tens, hundreds or higher place.
     893        examples are...
     896        roundto < 0: no rounding
     898        0: no rounding
     900        0.1: round to the tenths place
     902        0.01: round to the hundredths place
     904        0.001: round to the thousandths place
     906        1: round to the ones place
     908        10: round to the tens place
     910        100: round to the hundreds place
     914ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, TRUE, ARRAY[23], 0)
     916ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, FALSE, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     918ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, TRUE, ARRAY[100], 100)
     920ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, FALSE, ARRAY[-9999, 0], 1)
     922ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, FALSE, NULL::double precision[], 1)
     9252. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     927    hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     930ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     932ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, NULL::double precision[], 100)
     9353. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     937    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     940ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, ARRAY[-9999])
     942ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, NULL::double precision[])
     9454. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     947    nband is assumed to be 1. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
     9495. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     951    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
     953A set of functions for a single search value:
     9551. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, hasnodata boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     957    returns the number of times that searchvalue is present in the raster
     959    searchvalue: the value to count in the raster
     962ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, TRUE, 23, 0)
     964ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, FALSE, 3.14, 0.01)
     966ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, TRUE, 100, 100)
     968ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, FALSE, -9999, 1)
     9712. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     973    hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     976ST_ValueCount(rast, 5, 3.14, 0.01)
     978ST_ValueCount(rast, 2, 100, 100)
     9813. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, nband integer, searchvalue double precision) -> integer
     983    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     986ST_ValueCount(rast, 1, -9999)
     9894. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> integer
     991    nband is assumed to be 1. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
     9935. ST_ValueCount(rast raster, searchvalue double precision) -> integer
     995    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
     997The set of functions for processing coverages return "bigint" instead of "integer".
     999A set of functions for one or more search values:
     10011. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, hasnodata boolean, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     1003    rastertable: name of the table with a raster column
     1005    rastercolumn: name of the raster column
     1008ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, TRUE, ARRAY[23], 0)
     1010ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, FALSE, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     1012ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, TRUE, ARRAY[100], 100)
     1014ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, ARRAY[-9999, 0], 1)
     1016ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, NULL::double precision[], 1)
     10192. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     1021    hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     1024ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, ARRAY[3.14], 0.01)
     1026ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, NULL::double precision[], 100)
     10293. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     1031    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     1034ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, ARRAY[-9999])
     1036ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, NULL::double precision[])
     10394. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision[], roundto double precision) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     1041    nband is assumed to be 1. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
     10435. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalues double precision[]) -> setof record (searchvalue, count)
     1045    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
     1047A set of functions for a single search value:
     10491. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, hasnodata boolean, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     1051    returns the number of times that searchvalue is present in the raster
     1053    searchvalue: the value to count in the raster
     1056ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, TRUE, 23, 0)
     1058ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, FALSE, 3.14, 0.01)
     1060ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, TRUE, 100, 100)
     1062ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, FALSE, -9999, 1)
     10652. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     1067    hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     1070ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 5, 3.14, 0.01)
     1072ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 2, 100, 100)
     10753. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, nband integer, searchvalue double precision) -> bigint
     1077    roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE
     1080ST_ValueCount('test', 'rast', 1, -9999)
     10834. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision, roundto double precision) -> bigint
     1085    nband is assumed to be 1. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
     10875. ST_ValueCount(rastertable text, rastercolumn text, searchvalue double precision) -> bigint
     1089    nband is assumed to be 1. roundto is assumed to be 0, so no rounding takes place. hasnodata is assumed to be TRUE.
    8741093'''ST_Resample(raster, method, originx, originy, pixelsizex, pixelsizey) -> raster'''