Changes between Version 67 and Version 68 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

04/23/11 08:22:27 (14 years ago)

Fleshed out ST_AsPNG


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

    v67 v68  
    358358'''ST_AsPNG(raster, band) -> PNG as "bytea"'''
     360Bborie: Like the JPEG raster format, the PNG format has limitations:
     362  1. PNG only allows 1 (greyscale) or 3 (RGB) bands of data
     364  2. PNG only supports 8BUI and 16BUI pixeltypes. Any other pixeltype will be written as 8BUI, though the results are probably useless
     366  3. PNG cannot embed spatial reference information within the file but can have an associated world file
     368Like JPEG, the limitations can be resolved:
     370  1. Use ST_Band to specify which band(s) should be passed to the ST_AsPNG function. If a raster whose number of specified bands does not equal 1 or 3 is provided, a warning is raised and the first or the first three bands are used.
     372  2. Throw an exception if any of the specified bands is not 8BUI or 16BUI. The user should use ST_Reclass to convert any non-8BUI or 16BUI bands to 8BUI or 16BUI.
     374  3. Nothing can be done within this function. ST_Georeference() can be used to the contents of the associated world file
     376A proposed set of variations of the ST_AsPNG function:
     3781. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, options text[])
     380    rast: the raster with one or three bands in 8BUI or 16BUI pixel type to generate a PNG image from
     382    options: array of creation options to pass to the GDAL JPEG driver
     385ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY['ZLEVEL=9'])
     3882. ST_AsPNG(rast raster)
     390    Like !#1 above but use the driver's default creation options
     3923. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nbands int[], options text[])
     394    nbands: an integer array specifying the band indices of the raster to include in the PNG file
     397ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY[3,1,2], ARRAY['ZLEVEL=9'])
     4004. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nbands int[])
     402    Like !#3, but use the default creation options
     405ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY[3])
     4085. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nbands int[], compression int)
     410    compression: number between 1 and 9 indicating the amount of time to spend on compression. 1 is fastest with least compression. 9 is slowest with best compression
     413ST_AsPNG(rast, ARRAY[2,1,3], 3)
     4166. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nband int, options text[])
     418    nband: index of the band to include
     421ST_AsPNG(rast, 2, ARRAY['ZLEVEL=5'])
     4247. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nband int, compression int)
     427ST_AsPNG(rast, 1, 8)
     4308. ST_AsPNG(rast raster, nband int)
     433ST_AsPNG(rast, 1)