Changes between Version 202 and Version 203 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

Dec 10, 2011, 9:34:00 AM (13 years ago)
Bborie Park


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

    v202 v203  
    38603860'''One column has been removed from the raster_columns views: out_db.'''
     3862Raster constraints can be set using one of the !AddRasterConstraints functions.
     38641. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3865        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3866        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3867        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3868        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     3871        constraints: keywords indicating constraint to attempt to add.  possible keywords are:
     3875scale_x or scalex
     3876scale_y or scaley
     3878blocksize_x or blocksizex or width
     3879blocksize_y or blocksizey or height
     3881same_alignment or samealignment or alignment
     3882regular_blocking or regularblocking
     3883num_bands or numbands
     3884pixel_types or pixeltypes
     3885nodata_values or nodatavalues or nodata
     3890SELECT AddRasterConstraints('schema', 'table', 'rast', 'srid', 'extent')
     38932. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3894        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3895        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3896        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     38993. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3900        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3901        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3902        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3903        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3904        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3905        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3906        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3907        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3908        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3909        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT FALSE,[[BR]]
     3910        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3911        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3912        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3913        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
     39164. !AddRasterConstraints (
     3917        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3918        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3919        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3920        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3921        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3922        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3923        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3924        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3925        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT FALSE,[[BR]]
     3926        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3927        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3928        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3929        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
     3932Though users can manually remove raster constraints, it is easier to use one of the !DropRasterConstraints functions
     39341. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3935        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3936        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3937        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3938        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     3941        constraints: the same keywords as function !#1 for !AddRasterConstraints
     39432. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3944        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3945        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3946        VARIADIC constraints text[]
     39493. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3950        rastschema name,[[BR]]
     3951        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3952        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3953        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3954        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3955        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3956        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3957        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3958        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3959        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3960        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3961        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3962        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3963        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
     39664. !DropRasterConstraints (
     3967        rasttable name,[[BR]]
     3968        rastcolumn name,[[BR]]
     3969        srid boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3970        scale_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3971        scale_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3972        blocksize_x boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3973        blocksize_y boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3974        same_alignment boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3975        regular_blocking boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3976        num_bands boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3977        pixel_types boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3978        nodata_values boolean DEFAULT TRUE,[[BR]]
     3979        extent boolean DEFAULT TRUE
    38623984The raster_overviews view is structured as the following:
     4046'''One column has been removed from the raster_overviews views: out_db.'''
    39244048As all overviews are rasters, overviews will have have a record in raster_columns and another record in raster_overviews.
    3926 '''One column has been removed from the raster_overviews views: out_db.'''
     4050The distinguishing factor that makes a raster be treated as an overview is the ''enforce_overview_<o_raster_column>'' constraint.  The constraint can be applied using one of the !AddOverviewConstraints functions.  '''The overview constraint checks that the reference raster column and table exists.  If the reference raster column does not exist, the constraint is violated.'''
     40521. !AddOverviewConstraints (
     4053        ovschema name, ovtable name, ovcolumn name,[[BR]]
     4054        refschema name, reftable name, refcolumn name,[[BR]]
     4055        ovfactor int
     40582. !AddOverviewConstraints (
     4059        ovtable name, ovcolumn name,[[BR]]
     4060        reftable name, refcolumn name,[[BR]]
     4061        ovfactor int
     4064To drop an overview constraint, use !DropOverviewConstraints.
     40661. !DropOverviewConstraints (
     4067        ovschema name,[[BR]]
     4068        ovtable name,[[BR]]
     4069        ovcolumn name
     40722. !DropOverviewConstraints (
     4073        ovtable name,[[BR]]
     4074        ovcolumn name
    39284078~~Following the conversion of geometry_columns to a view in PostGIS, it is planned to do the same with raster_column and raster_overview for the raster part. Converting to a view has a number of advantages: