Changes between Version 190 and Version 191 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

Nov 29, 2011, 3:10:10 PM (13 years ago)


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

    v190 v191  
    539539The '''major changes concerning the raster_column table''' are as follow:
    541  * There will be a flexible !ApplyRasterConstraint() function trying to apply a set of constraint on a table. As for any constraint, each constraint will be successfully applied only when all the rows of the table fulfil this constraint. The list of potential constraint applied by the C loader (using the !ApplyRasterConstraint function) and hence the list of column available in the raster_column view will be: srid int, alignment (align on a upperleft x and y), scalex float8, scaley float8, width int, height int, numberofband int, pixeltypes text[], nodatavalues float[] in addition to the 'r_table_catalog', 'r_table_schema', 'r_table_name' and 'r_column' columns. There is still discussion about if global extent as a geometry should be added to this list. Comments are welcomes.
     541 * There will be a flexible !ApplyRasterConstraint() function trying to apply a set of constraint on a table. As for any constraint, each constraint will be successfully applied only when all the rows of the table fulfil this constraint. The list of potential constraint applied by the C loader (using the !ApplyRasterConstraint function) and hence the list of column available in the raster_column view will be: srid int, samealignment boolean, scalex float8, scaley float8, width int, height int, numberofband int, pixeltypes text[], nodatavalues float[] in addition to the 'r_table_catalog', 'r_table_schema', 'r_table_name' and 'r_column' columns. There is still discussion about if global extent as a geometry should be added to this list. Comments are welcomes.
    543543 * The raster_column view rows will be determined by querying the PostgreSQL catalog. A typical query exist for this.
    547547The '''major changes concerning the raster_overview table''' are as follow:
    549  * The raster_overview table will also be replaced with a raster_overview view.
    551  * We will provide a new function to support the creation of the raster_overview view and application of three additional constraints specific to overviews (!ApplyOverviewConstraints) and a function for creating overviews (ST_CreateOverview()). Three additional constraints will be applied when using the !ApplyOverviewConstraints fucntion: 'reference raster table oid', 'overview factor' and 'global extent'. Those constraints will be displayed by the raster_overview view as 'r_table_catalog', 'r_table_schema', 'r_table_name', 'r_column', 'overview_factor' and 'global_extent' in addition to the 'o_table_catalog', 'o_table_schema', 'o_table_name' and 'o_column' columns.
    553  * The raster_overview table will NOT be created by default by the rtpostgis.sql script. It will be the responsibility of applications to use the !ApplyOverviewConstraints and ST_CreateOverview() function to enable overviews support.
     549 * The raster_overview table will also be replaced by a raster_overview view.
     551 * We will provide a new function to support the creation of the raster_overview view and application of three additional constraints specific to overviews (!ApplyOverviewConstraints). These three additional constraints are: 'reference raster table oid', 'overview factor' and 'global extent'. Those constraints will be displayed by the raster_overview view as 'r_table_catalog', 'r_table_schema', 'r_table_name', 'r_column', 'overview_factor' and 'global_extent' in addition to the 'o_table_catalog', 'o_table_schema', 'o_table_name' and 'o_column' columns.
     553 * We will also provide a SQL function for creating overviews (ST_CreateOverview(schemaname text, tablename teat, columnname, factor int)).
     555 * The raster_overview table will NOT be created by default by the rtpostgis.sql script. It will be the responsibility of applications to use the !ApplyOverviewConstraints and ST_CreateOverview() function to create the raster_overviews view and create overviews.
    555557The '''major changes concerning the raster2pgsql loader''' are as follow:
    557  * We are working on a new C importer to get rid of any Python, Numpy and Python GDAL binding dependency.
    559  * This new loader will attempt to apply the constraint on the loaded table using the !ApplyRasterConstraint()function. There will be an option to NOT trying to apply the constraint for applications not wishing to use the raster_column table.
    561  * This new importer will NOT have any option to create the raster_overview view, nor to create overview tables. We think that it is more important to be able to create overview in SQL as a post process query so overviews can be updated/recreated when rasters tiles are edited, added or deleted.
    563  * We will stop supporting the old which was creating overview tables and filling the raster_overview table. It will be available in the script/python folder for people wishing to create overviews after a slight modification.
     559 * We are working on a new C importer to get rid of any Python, Numpy and Python GDAL Binding dependency which is a major obstacle to successful installation of PostGIS 2.0.
     561 * This new loader will attempt to apply the constraints on the loaded table using the !ApplyRasterConstraint() function. There will be an option to NOT try to apply the constraint for applications preferring to have no constraint applied to the tables over having a raster_column view filled with the proper information.
     563 * This new importer will NOT have any option to create the raster_overview view, nor to create overview tables as we leave this to the application. We also think that it is more important to be able to create overviews in SQL as a post loading process query so overviews can be updated/recreated when rasters tiles are edited, added or deleted. Application wishing to create overview can implement their own overview creation code or just use the future ST_CreateOverview() SQL function.
     565 * We will stop supporting the old which was creating overview tables and filling the raster_overview table. It will be available in the script/python folder for people wishing to create overviews after a slight addaptation (to the new !ApplyRasterConstraints() and !ApplyOverviewConstraints() functions).