Changes between Version 179 and Version 180 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

Nov 29, 2011, 2:03:04 PM (13 years ago)


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking03

    v179 v180  
    529529 Following the conversion of geometry_columns to a view in PostGIS, it is planned to do the same with raster_column and raster_overview for the raster part. Converting to a view has a number of advantages:
    531 PostGIS is using the typmod feature of PostgreSQL to 'store' metadata about a table and then display them in the geometry_column view. Unfortunately the typmod is limited to XXX byte and there is too much information to 'store' about a raster table to use typmod. PostGIS raster will therefore use another technique to 'store' metadata about a raster table: constraint. A set of constraint will be applied to a raster table and those constraint will be read and displyed by the raster_column view.
     531 PostGIS is using the typmod feature of PostgreSQL to 'store' metadata about a table and then display them in the geometry_column view. Unfortunately the typmod is limited to XXX byte and there is too much information to 'store' about a raster table to use typmod. PostGIS raster will therefore use another approch consisting in 'store' metadata about a raster table as constraint on the table. A set of constraint will be applied to a raster table and those constraint will be read and displayed by the raster_column view.
     533 The major changes concerning the raster_column table are as follow:
     535 * There will be a flexible ApplyRasterConstraint() function trying to apply a set of constraint on a table. As for any constraint, the constraints will be successfully applied only when all the rows of the table fulfil the constraint.
     537 * This function will be called by the new C raster2pgsql C loader.
     539 * The raster_column view rows will be determined by querying the PostgreSQL catalog. A typical query exist for this.
     541 * The raster_column will derive columns of metadata from the constraints applied to each table listed. When a constraint could not be applied successfully to the table, the column for this table will be null.
     543 The major changes concerning the raster_column table are as follow:
     545 * We will provide two functions to support the creation of the raster_overview view and application of two additional constraints specific to overviews (ApplyOverviewConstraints) and a function for creating overviews (ST_CreateOverview()).
     547 * The raster_overview table will NOT be created by default by the rtpostgis.sql script. It will be up to applications to use the ApplyOverviewConstraints and ST_CreateOverview() function to enable overviews support.
     549 The major changes concerning the raster2pgsql loader are as follow:
     551 * We are working on a new C importer to get rid of any Python, Numpy and Python GDAL binding dependency.
     552 * This new importer will NOT have any option to create the raster_overview view, nor to create overview tables. We think that it is more important to be able to create overview in SQL as a post process query so overviews can be updated/recreated when rasters tiles are edited, added or deleted.
     553 * We will stop supporting the old which was creating overview tables and filling the raster_overview table. It will be available in the script/python folder for people wishing to create overviews after a slight modification.
     556 '''More Details'''