Changes between Version 14 and Version 15 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01

04/16/09 08:03:45 (16 years ago)


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01

    v14 v15  
    152152 1. Precede each call with RT_Band() to return a selected band.[[BR]]
    153153Pros: This is a general function that can be called before any function that would otherwise require a band parameter.[[BR]]
    154 Cons: This implies creating a temporary raster. This might be more elegant and general but is this too much overhead comparing with having a band parameter?[[BR]]
    155 [[BR]]
    156  1. Add a band parameter to each RT_AsFormat function.[[BR]]
     154Cons: This implies creating a temporary raster. This might be more elegant and general but is this too much overhead comparing with having a band parameter?
     156 2. Add a band parameter to each RT_AsFormat function.[[BR]]
    157157Pros: Hypothetically less overhead.[[BR]]
    158158Cons: Every functions implying access to a band should then have this parameter when in most case it would be equal to 1. In many cases it makes no sence to have to specify a band parameter since it is the whole raster that we want to export, including all the bands.
    160 Pierre: More I think about it more I think that the first option is the best one...
    162 mloskot: Perhaps there is a compromise in form of two sets of functions: 1) RT_As* which always burn the whole raster (all bands) 2) RT_BandAs* which takes number of band as a parameter and return only this requested band.
     160  Pierre: More I think about it more I think that the first option is the best one...
     162  mloskot: Perhaps there is a compromise in form of two sets of functions: 1) RT_As* which always burn the whole raster (all bands) 2) RT_BandAs* which takes number of band as a parameter and return only this requested band.