Changes between Version 10 and Version 11 of WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01

04/16/09 07:58:29 (16 years ago)


  • WKTRaster/SpecificationWorking01

    v10 v11  
    127127'''RT_BandNoDataValue(raster, integer) -> float32'''[[BR]]
    128 Return the NoDataValue of the specified  1-based Nth band of raster. Band index is 1-based. The value is always returned as a float32 even if the pixel type is integer.
     128Return the !NoDataValue of the specified  1-based Nth band of raster. Band index is 1-based. The value is always returned as a float32 even if the pixel type is integer.
    179179Pierre: It might be more simple to ignore pixeltypes other than 8BUI but it would be very convenient to have a way to quickly export elevation data for example as a JPEG. It would be nice to have an elegant solution to this. Maybe something inspired from MapServer.
    181 Proposition one (Pierre): RT_AsJPEG could simply (optionally when the pixeltype is not 8BUI) map the RT_Maximum() and RT_Minimum() value to 0-255. RT_Maximum() and RT_Minimum() are not in the spec yet but this could be on nice usage of it. They will imply caching the min and max when importing and editing. Both function should ignore the NoDataValues. They could also be two parameters passed to RT_AsJPEG(raster, quality, min, max).
     181Proposition one (Pierre): RT_AsJPEG could simply (optionally when the pixeltype is not 8BUI) map the RT_Maximum() and RT_Minimum() value to 0-255. RT_Maximum() and RT_Minimum() are not in the spec yet but this could be on nice usage of it. They will imply caching the min and max when importing and editing. Both function should ignore the !NoDataValues. They could also be two parameters passed to RT_AsJPEG(raster, quality, min, max).
    183183Proposition two: There could also be just one parameter (string) defining a mapping method:
    271271 1. '''Best practice for band referencing:''' having a band parameter (index?) or always use RT_Band()[[BR]][[BR]]-e.g. SELECT RT_AsTIFF(RT_Band(raster,2),60) FROM coverandtemp[[BR]][[BR]]SELECT RT_AsTIFF(RT_Band(raster,2),RT_Band(raster,1),60) FROM coverandtemp[[BR]]or[[BR]]SELECT RT_AsTIFF(raster,2,60) FROM coverandtemp[[BR]][[BR]]Pierre: Having a band parameter (or a list of band) for each function trying to access a band would be preferable to avoid useless memcopy of band data.[[BR]][[BR]]
    272272 1. '''Architecture & design issues:'''[[BR]][[BR]]
    273    * How to handle no NODATA? Pierre from Frank input: We'll need a HasNoDataValue flag for each band.[[BR]][[BR]]
     273   * How to handle no NODATA? Pierre from Frank input: We'll need a !HasNoDataValue flag for each band.[[BR]][[BR]]
    274274 1. '''Documentation'''[[BR]][[BR]]
    275275   * Setup a structure (likely on a Wiki), sections for developers and for users[[BR]][[BR]]