30 | | '''-r''' <rasterfile> Specifies input raster file. Multiple -r options can be specified for a number of input files or wildcards can be used (? and *). At least one input raster file is REQUIRED.[[BR]] |
31 | | '''-t''' <table> Name of destination table in with or without target schema specified. This parameter is REQUIRED. |
| 30 | '''-r''' <RASTERFILE> Specifies input raster file. Multiple -r options can be specified for a number of input files or wildcards can be used (? and *).[[BR]] |
| 31 | '''-t''' [<SCHEMA>].<TABLE> Name of destination table in with or without target schema specified. |
| 32 | |
| 33 | '''OPTIONS:''' |
| 34 | |
| 35 | ''' Raster processing: Optional parameters used to manipulate input raster dataset ''' |
| 36 | |
| 37 | '''-s''' <SRID> Set the SRID field of output raster. Default is -1.[[BR]] |
| 38 | '''-b''' <NBBAND> Specify the number of band to be extracted from input raster file.[[BR]] |
| 39 | '''-k''' <BLOCK_SIZE> Specify the size of the block of the input raster, assuming regular blocking mode. Must be specified as WIDTHxHEIGHT.[[BR]] |
| 40 | '''-R''' Register the raster as a filesystem (out-db) raster. Absolute path to the raster and georeferencing informations are stored instead of the raster actual data. This storage system is only allowed in SVN trunk version right now.[[BR]] |
| 41 | '''-l''' <OVERVIEW_LEVEL> Create overview tables named as o_<LEVEL>_<RASTER_TABLE> and populate it with GDAL-provided overviews. Regular blocking only. |
34 | | '''OPTIONS:'''[[BR]] |
35 | | '''-s''' <srid> Set the SRID field. Default is -1.[[BR]] |
36 | | '''-b''' <nbband> Specify the number of band. The number of rasterfile must correspond to this number.[[BR]] |
37 | | '''-f''' <field> Name of target column for raster data. Default column name is rast.[[BR]] |
38 | | '''-I''' Create a GiST index on the raster column.[[BR]] |
39 | | '''-o''' <file> Output file for generated SQL commands. If not specified, stdout is assumed.[[BR]] |
40 | | '''-R''' Simply register the raster in the database. Absolute path to the raster and georeferencing informations are stored instead of the raster actual data.[[BR]] |
41 | | '''-F''' Add a "filename" column containing the original name of the loaded raster file. |
| 44 | ''' Database processing: Optional parameters used to manipulate database objects ''' |
| 45 | |
| 46 | '''-c''' Creates a new table and populates it with raster input file(s), this is the default if you do not specify any options.[[BR]] |
| 47 | '''-d''' Drops the table, then recreates it and populates it with current raster file(s) data.[[BR]] |
| 48 | '''-f''' <COLUMN> Name of target column for raster data. Default column name is ''rast''.[[BR]] |
| 49 | '''-F''' Add a "filename" column containing the original name of the loaded raster file.[[BR]] |
| 50 | '''-I''' Create a GiST index on the raster column.[[BR]] |
| 51 | '''-M''' Issue VACUUM command against all generated tables.[[BR]] |
| 52 | '''-V''' Create RASTER_OVERVIEWS table used to store overviews metadata. |