Changes between Version 20 and Version 21 of UsersWikiplpgsqlfunctions

Nov 24, 2009, 8:54:12 AM (15 years ago)


  • UsersWikiplpgsqlfunctions

    v20 v21  
    66[wiki:UsersWikiplpgsqlfunctionsDistance Distance /Spatial Reference support functions PL/PGSQL/SQL Functions]
    8  * '''Generate an arc given two points on the arc, the centre point and direction'''
     8 * '''Generate an arc given two points on the arc, the centre point and direction or size'''
    12  CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION st_createarc(startpoint geometry, endpoint geometry, arcenter geometry,direction text)
    13   RETURNS geometry AS
    14   $$
     12 CREATE FUNCTION st_createarc(startpoint geometry, endpoint geometry, arcenter geometry, direction text) RETURNS geometry
     13    AS $$
    1514  DECLARE
    16     pointonarc geometry;
    17     thearc text;
    18     thedirection float;
     15    cwpointonarc geometry;
     16    ccpointonarc geometry;
     17    ccarc text;
     18    cwarc text;
     19    cwdirection float;
     20    ccdirection float;
    1921    midpointrads float;
    2022    arcenterutm geometry;
    2123    startpointutm geometry;
    2224    endpointutm geometry;
     25    thearc geometry;
     26    majorarc text;
     27    minorarc text;
    2328  BEGIN
    2429        arcenterutm := st_transform(arcenter,utmzone(arcenter));
    3035        IF midpointrads > st_azimuth(arcenterutm,startpointutm) THEN midpointrads:= st_azimuth(arcenterutm,startpointutm)/2; END IF;
    3136        IF midpointrads > st_azimuth(arcenterutm,endpointutm) THEN midpointrads:= st_azimuth(arcenterutm,endpointutm)/2; END IF;
    32         IF direction = 'cw' THEN thedirection := -1*midpointrads; ELSE thedirection := midpointrads; END IF;
    33         pointonarc := ST_Translate( ST_Rotate( ST_Translate( startpointutm, -1*ST_X(arcenterutm), -1*ST_Y(arcenterutm)), thedirection), ST_X(arcenterutm), ST_Y(arcenterutm));
    34         thearc := 'CIRCULARSTRING('||ST_X(startpointutm)||' '||ST_Y(startpointutm)||','||ST_X(pointonarc)||' '||ST_Y(pointonarc)||','||ST_X(endpointutm)||' '||ST_Y(endpointutm)||')';
    35         RETURN st_transform(st_setsrid(st_curvetoline(thearc),utmzone(arcenter)),st_srid(arcenter));
     37        cwdirection := -1*midpointrads;
     38ccdirection := midpointrads;
     39cwpointonarc := ST_Translate( ST_Rotate( ST_Translate( startpointutm, -1*ST_X(arcenterutm), -1*ST_Y(arcenterutm)), cwdirection), ST_X(arcenterutm), ST_Y(arcenterutm));
     40ccpointonarc := ST_Translate( ST_Rotate( ST_Translate( startpointutm, -1*ST_X(arcenterutm), -1*ST_Y(arcenterutm)), ccdirection), ST_X(arcenterutm), ST_Y(arcenterutm));
     41        cwarc := 'CIRCULARSTRING('||ST_X(startpointutm)||' '||ST_Y(startpointutm)||','||ST_X(cwpointonarc)||' '||ST_Y(cwpointonarc)||','||ST_X(endpointutm)||' '||ST_Y(endpointutm)||')';
     42ccarc := 'CIRCULARSTRING('||ST_X(startpointutm)||' '||ST_Y(startpointutm)||','||ST_X(ccpointonarc)||' '||ST_Y(ccpointonarc)||','||ST_X(endpointutm)||' '||ST_Y(endpointutm)||')';
     43IF st_length(st_curvetoline(cwarc)) > st_length(st_curvetoline(ccarc)) THEN majorarc := cwarc; minorarc := ccarc; ELSE majorarc := ccarc; minorarc := cwarc; END IF;
     44IF direction = 'major' THEN RETURN st_transform(st_setsrid(st_curvetoline(majorarc),utmzone(arcenter)),st_srid(arcenter)); ELSE IF direction = 'minor' THEN RETURN st_transform(st_setsrid(st_curvetoline(minorarc),utmzone(arcenter)),st_srid(arcenter)); END IF; END IF;
     45        IF direction = 'cw' THEN RETURN st_transform(st_setsrid(st_curvetoline(cwarc),utmzone(arcenter)),st_srid(arcenter)); ELSE IF direction = 'cc' THEN RETURN st_transform(st_setsrid(st_curvetoline(ccarc),utmzone(arcenter)),st_srid(arcenter)); END IF; END IF;
    3646  END;
    3748  $$
    3849  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' IMMUTABLE;
    39   COMMENT ON FUNCTION st_createarc(geometry,geometry,geometry,text) IS 'Generates an arc based on starting point, ending point, centre of arc, and direction (clockwise: \'cw\', conter-clockwise: \'cc\'). All geometries must be of type POINT and this function returns a linestring of the arc based on the original SRID and 32 points per quarter circle. Requires the utmzone function.';
     50  COMMENT ON FUNCTION st_createarc(geometry,geometry,geometry,text) IS 'Generates an arc based on starting point, ending point, centre of arc, and direction (clockwise: \'cw\', conter-clockwise: \'cc\', or size \'major\' or \'minor\'). All geometries must be of type POINT and this function returns a linestring of the arc based on the original SRID and 32 points per quarter circle. Requires the utmzone function.';