Changes between Version 9 and Version 10 of UsersWikiWishList

Jan 17, 2011, 3:18:35 AM (14 years ago)


  • UsersWikiWishList

    v9 v10  
    1717  * Separate packaging of java and C code
    19  * '''More Validation Feedback'''
    20   * The isValid() function can tell me if a geometry is not valid, but it cannot tell me '''why'''.
    21   * Perhaps an isValidLocation() or ~~isValidReason()~~ ('''DONE in PostGIS 1.4, GEOS 3.1.0 -- but would be nice if gave all invalid locations -- just gives first ''') to show where and why the geometry is not correct.  The JTS workbench has some of this functionality, so hopefully it is hiding in GEOS somewhere.
    22   * Also, by combining snapToGrid, buffer(0.0) and some other evil stuff, it should be possible to write a cleanGeometry() function that "mostly" works, and "mostly" is better than nothing at all.
     19 * ~~'''More Validation Feedback'''~~
     20  * ~~The isValid() function can tell me if a geometry is not valid, but it cannot tell me '''why'''~~ ('''DONE by IsValidReason''').
     21  * Perhaps an ~~isValidLocation()~~ ('''DONE in PostGIS 2.0, ST_IsValidDetail''') or ~~isValidReason()~~ ('''DONE in PostGIS 1.4, GEOS 3.1.0 -- but would be nice if gave all invalid locations -- just gives first ''') to show where and why the geometry is not correct.  The JTS workbench has some of this functionality, so hopefully it is hiding in GEOS somewhere.
     22  * Also, by combining snapToGrid, buffer(0.0) and some other evil stuff, it should be possible to write a ~~cleanGeometry()~~ ('''DONE in PostGIS 2.0.0, naed ST_MakeValid''') function that "mostly" works, and "mostly" is better than nothing at all.
    2424 * '''Install in Schema'''