= Generate Hexagonal Grid = The following SQL generates a table containing a set of polygons forming a grid of hexagonal cells. Substitute the values in the generate_series calls with the desired min/max X/Y extents. {{{ CREATE TABLE hex_grid (gid serial not null primary key); SELECT addgeometrycolumn('hex_grid','the_geom', -1, 'POLYGON', 2); INSERT INTO hex_grid (the_geom) SELECT st_translate(the_geom, x_series, y_series) from generate_series(0 - 128, 10000 + 128, 128) as x_series, generate_series(0 - 128, 10000 + 128, 256) as y_series, ( SELECT 'POLYGON((0 0,64 64,64 128,0 192,-64 128,-64 64,0 0))'::geometry as the_geom UNION SELECT ST_Translate('POLYGON((0 0,64 64,64 128,0 192,-64 128,-64 64,0 0))'::geometry, 64, 128) as the_geom ) as two_hex }}}