= Create Fishnet Grid = Make a 2D grid of rectangular polygons, which is sometimes called a fishnet grid. Use the following source: {{{ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_CreateFishnet( nrow integer, ncol integer, xsize float8, ysize float8, x0 float8 DEFAULT 0, y0 float8 DEFAULT 0) RETURNS SETOF geometry AS $$ SELECT ST_Translate(cell, j * $3 + $5, i * $4 + $6) FROM generate_series(0, $1 - 1) AS i, generate_series(0, $2 - 1) AS j, ( SELECT ('POLYGON((0 0, 0 '||$4||', '||$3||' '||$4||', '||$3||' 0,0 0))')::geometry AS cell ) AS foo; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE STRICT; }}} Example: {{{ SELECT ST_Collect(cells) FROM ST_CreateFishnet(3,4,10,10) AS cells; }}} [[Image(http://i.stack.imgur.com/vQY0Z.png)]]