Version 3 (modified by 16 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
PL/PGSQL Pseudo Cascade Union Aggregate Function
The Pseudo Cascade Union aggregate function is intended as a drop in replacement for the current PostGIS ST_Union aggregate function. It should work in PostGIS versions 1.2.2 — 1.3.4. Although I have only tested on 1.3.3 and 1.3.4SVN. Seems to work in general 5-10 times faster than built in ST_Union, but I haven't really hammered it to ensure it achieves the desired result in all cases.
In general I have found it to be 5-10 times faster than the built-in ST_Union aggregate function and also it finishes to completion in many cases where the built-in one runs out of memory.
The code can be downloaded from
It is loosely based on the concepts used in JTS 1.9 Union Operator (aka Cascaded Union) which is described at
Example use:
This completes in 47,578 ms = 0.75 minutes
SELECT state, upgis_cascadeunion(the_geom) as new_geom, SUM(ST_NPoints(the_geom)) As numpointsbefore, ST_NPoints(upgis_cascadeunion(the_geom)) As numpointsafter FROM usstatebounds GROUP BY state ORDER BY state;
vs. Original ST_Union version - 830,625 (13.8 minutes)
SELECT state, ST_Union(the_geom) as the_geom, SUM(ST_NPoints(the_geom)) As numpointsbefore, ST_NPoints(ST_Union(the_geom)) As numpointsafter FROM usstatebounds GROUP BY state ORDER BY state;