= Variable-Distance Buffer = Source: [https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/340968/varying-size-buffer-along-a-line-with-postgis GIS StackExchange: Varying size buffer along a line with PostGIS] The function below generates variable-distance buffers. It operates by creating the union of a series of segment buffers . Each segment buffer is the convex hull of the buffers of the segment start and end points, with the buffer distance computed proportionally to the fractional distance along the line. **Note: currently only the end distance can be given. The start distance is fixed to be (approximately) 0.** === Example === {{{ SELECT ST_VariableBufferFromLine( 'LINESTRING( 0 0, 100 0)' , 10 ); }}} === Code === {{{ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ST_VariableBufferFromLine( geom GEOMETRY, end_dist NUMERIC ) RETURNS GEOMETRY AS $BODY$ WITH step1 AS (SELECT ST_DumpPoints(geom) AS dump, geom), step2 AS (SELECT (dump).path[1], ST_Buffer( (dump).geom, GREATEST(end_dist * ST_LineLocatePoint(geom, (dump).geom), 0.001)) AS geom FROM step1), step3 AS (SELECT ST_ConvexHull(ST_Union(geom, LEAD(geom) OVER(ORDER BY path))) AS geom FROM step2) SELECT ST_Union(geom) AS geom FROM step3 $BODY$ LANGUAGE SQL; }}}