Version 6 (modified by 16 years ago) ( diff ) | ,
The Sandbox
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!!What is PostGIS
PostGIS is an extension to the PostgreSQL object-relational database system that allows GIS (Geographic Information System)
objects to be stored in the database. PostGIS does for PostgreSQL what Oracle Spatial does for Oracle, ArcSDE does
for Microsoft SQL Server/Oracle.
- Features of PostGIS
- PostGIS as a part of PostgreSQL (Article)
- PostgisTools that support PostGIS
- [Gallery] Collection of applications using PostGIS in the backend.
- | PostgreSQL Case Studies
- [PostGIS Hosters | PostGISHosters]
- [PostGIS Wikipedia entry |]
- [PostGIS and ArcSDE/ArcGIS 9.3 Articles | Postgisarcgis]
!!Installation Guides
- Directions for [PostGIS RPM Installation|PostgisRpmInstallation].
- Directions for [PostGIS on Ubuntu| PostgisOnUbuntu].
!!Examples of Spatial SQL
- [Find Nearby Features|ExamplesFindNearby]
- [Find Features far from nearest neighbor - Anti-Near Neighbor | ExamplesAntiNear]
- [Find Overlapping Features|ExamplesFindOverlapping]
- [Join Spatial and Non-Spatial Tables|ExamplesJoinTables]
- [Overlay Geometries in one table with Geometries in another|ExamplesOverlayTables]
- [Find Features Inside a Particular Polygon|ExamplesInsidePolygon]
- [Clean Invalid Polygon Topology|CleanPolygons]
[Find points on interior rings within a certain distance to exterior ring|ExamplesInsidePolygon2]
- [Splitting a Polygon with a Linestring|SplitPolygonWithLineString]
- [Generating a hexagonal grid|GenerateHexagonalGrid]
- centroids from Multi geometries |ComputeMultiCentroid
- [OGR Examples]
!!Extending PostGIS
- [PostGIS EJB3 Integration| SpatialEJB3]
- PostgisTopology - to be moved somewhere else
- [Raster support|RasterNotes]
[WKT Raster - The new proposed raster implementation in PostGIS|WKTRasterHomePage] [PGCHIP - The GDAL Postgis driver for raster data |] - a corrected version can be found in current GDAL CVS
- [WishList] of features for the future
- [Code Sprint 2009 Notes|Sprint2009Notes]
!!Newbie Common Problems and Questions
- [function addgeometrycolumn("unknown", "unknown", integer, "unknown", integer) does not exist]
- [What is the measurement returned by ST_Distance?]
- [What unit of measurement do PostGIS functions use? | PostGISFunctionMeasurement]
- [How to get distance measurement in meters|distance_in_meters]
!!Summer of Code
- [SummerOfCode2006]
!!Useful Additional PL/PGSQL Functions
- [PL/PGSQL Functions|plpgsqlfunctions]
- [Nearest Neighbor Search]
- [PL/PGSQL Pseudo Cascade Union Aggregate Function | upgis_cascadeunion]
!!Known issues/patches pending review
!!What is GEOS
[GEOS] is a C++ port of the JTS Topology Suite. It is used by PostGIS to implement Topological functions.
!!Wiki How-To
- Learn HowToUseWiki and learn about AddingPages.
- Use the SandBox page to experiment with Wiki pages.
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