Changes between Version 53 and Version 54 of PostGIS_Raster_SoC_Idea_2012/Distance_Analysis_Tools

06/22/12 23:43:45 (13 years ago)


  • PostGIS_Raster_SoC_Idea_2012/Distance_Analysis_Tools

    v53 v54  
    590590'''What did you get done this week?''' & '''Are you blocked on anything?'''
    591591 * Posted project to postgis-devel hoping to get feedback and suggestions from the community
    592  * Discussed with mentor and people from postgis-devel list. Found myself got blocked at this point:
    593 <br>
    594 As to the source dat, I think I would agree that we don't really want to rasterize the source geometries because we want to utilize the vector/raster seamless interactions featured and provided by PostGIS Raster. The solution I could think of was to calculate the distance based on the coordinates of the source geometries and the coordinates of the center of the resulted pixel derived from georeferencing info and then create a raster with those distance values as the pixel values.
    595 <br>
     592 * Discussed with mentor and people from postgis-devel list (see comments part from [ Week 4 Report]). Found myself got blocked at this point:
     594As to the source data, I think I would agree that we don't really want to rasterize the source geometries because we want to utilize the vector/raster seamless interactions featured and provided by PostGIS Raster. The solution I could think of was to calculate the distance based on the coordinates of the source geometries and the coordinates of the center of the resulted pixel derived from georeferencing info and then create a raster with those distance values as the pixel values.
    596596Now with the feedback from the mentor and the list, I think I got confused about whether we want to avoid creating intermediate raster layer from rasterizing
    597597source geometries or not.
    598 <br>
    599599I hope I can work this out as soon as possible with the help from the mentor and to proceed on next steps.