= Development Meeting - Virtual - 2021 = == Dates == Friday August 20th (estimated time period 2 hrs) - [https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2021&month=8&day=20&hour=15&min=0&sec=0&p1=256&p2=155&p3=43&p4=285&p5=215&p6=237 3PM - 5PM UTC] == Goals == The main aim is to begin thinking about current planned release of PostGIS 3.2.0 and major features to be attempted. * wiki:PostGIS32 topics * GSOC Gist building enhancements for PostgreSQL 14 * PostGIS 3.2 ticket triage * Need for a postgis_c_api for projects like MobilityDB, h3_pg * Real World data testing * Vote: Should our master repo be master or main? * Add your own ... ? == Attendance == PostGIS people who will be there [https://nextcloud.osgeo.org/apps/polls/s/4w1vSTPsIuJySw7g Put your name on the poll if you plan to attend] == Venue == * [http://meet.jit.si/PostGIS PostGIS jitsi channel] * [https://etherpad.mit.edu/p/15Bb4p8b1z Etherpad] ----------- = Meeting Notes = == Welcome == * Paul Ramsey (Crunchy Data) ... coordination towards release time in fall * Mahmoud SAKR (MobilityDB project, Université Libre de Bruxelles) - Discussing the dependancy of MobilityDB on PostGIS * Darafei Praliaskouski (Kontur) - XMeans and future of parallel things, H3 things and creation of extensions depending on main PostGIS * Regina (self) * Raúl Marín (self) * Mohamed Bakli (MobilityDB) * Brian M Hamlin - OSGeo Live DVD * Bruce Rindahl (self) documentation * Giuseppe Broccolo - give updates about improvements in GiST build (with Han) * Han Wang - GiST with pre-sorting methods * Vicky Vergara (pgRouting & OSGeoLive & MobilityDB) * Maxime Schoemans (MobilityDB) * Esteban Zimanyi (MobilityDB) * Jignesh Shah (AWS) .. learning about PostGIS (More on managing multiple versions) * Aliaksandr Kalenik (Kontur) == Agenda == * GSOC Gist building enhancements for PostgreSQL 14 * Need for a postgis_c_api for projects like MobilityDB, h3_pg * PostGIS 3.2 ticket triage * Real World data testing * Vote: Should our master repo be master or main? == GIST Building GSOC Project == * Good PoC completed * Uses Pg14 pre-sort hooks in GIST to speed index build * Index build time is made much faster * Query performance may be slightly (?) degraded compared to old implementation w/o pre-sort * Pre-sort changes low-level page composition a little bit deleteriously * Need some feedback on query against real-world data sets * Is the sort key length (32bit) the problem? (Maybe not? Datum size is 64bit on most hardware) * Q: Do PgSQL implementations of presort also show a performance degredation in query? * Some degradation is expected. check first: https://observablehq.com/@mourner/hilbert-curve-packing == postgis_c_api == * MobilityDB uses liblwgeom library since PostGIS ~2.3 but can't support 3.x as liblwgeom is not exported * MobilityDB uses a lot of functions in geography and other analytical functions, not just serialize/deserialize/lwgeom * LWGEOM is done because Spatialite needed the topology * Q: Can we provide an example of a "dependent extension" that calls PostGIS functions directly? * VVergara will continue examining the actual extent of dependency and we will revisit * Q: Call out [https://github.com/pgpointcloud/pointcloud pgpointcloud] example of non-binary extension dependency * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GPL_linking_exception#:~:text=A%20GPL%20linking%20exception%20modifies,GPL%20to%20the%20using%20program. == master or main == * master - PR, Regina +1, Giuseppe, MS, Darafei +0 BH +1,JeremyVicky -0 * main - BR, Regina -1, Darafei +1,Jignesh Vicky +0 * Don't care: RM, Darafei +1 MD for now, but plan should be to change to main == Real World Data Testing == * Regina setting up a testing infrastructure * Real world data sets in the "real" folder * Example: https://github.com/pramsey/geos-performance/ == PostGIS 3.2 Ticket Triage == * https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/query?status=assigned&status=new&status=reopened&milestone=PostGIS+3.2.0&col=id&col=summary&col=status&col=owner&col=type&col=priority&col=milestone&order=priority == Alpha Release == Dependent on * Han's GIST sort merge * KMeans merge * Boundary merge * Paul's three feature tickets * Paul's crasher tickets * Sandro's cleanup of topology tickets and feature completion * Upgrade changes (Regina) * Address standardizer (Regina) Target date? * August 34th == Next Meeting? == * Maybe pre-release 3.2? * For sure mid-winter (Jan/Feb?) + 1